Education & Skills

Over 2000 school pupils in Scotland will have the chance to hear from Tim Peake, thanks to The Data Lab, Scotland’s innovation centre for data and AI.


The live webinar will replace two events which were scheduled to take place as part of Datafest in Aberdeen and Edinburgh, which were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sharing his story of space exploration, including experiments he undertook which couldn’t be done on earth, Peake will also place a focus on STEM subjects, explaining their importance as we look to the future and the unlimited career paths that they could open up for students. Gillian Docherty, Chief Executive of The Data Lab, said: “When children today select STEM-related subjects they are preparing themselves to work in some of the most valuable jobs around, and this is certainly true as we look to the future. “The world we live in today will have dramatically changed by the time these children reach adulthood, from the way they communicate and commute, to the way they are treated medically and the varying careers that will be available to them. “Having undertaken a career which the vast majority of us could only dream of, Tim Peake has a very inspirational story to share and we are much very looking forward to welcoming him to deliver this exclusive webinar to schoolchildren across Scotland, encouraging them to think about a future which embraces STEM and the endless, exciting career opportunities that a life involving science, technology, engineering and mathematics could lend itself too.”

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