Editors Pick

‘A year like no other’ – honing workforce digital skills in the age of pandemic

Veteran Cyber Upskilling. Supplied/Skills Development Scotland

As chair of the Digital Economy Skills Group, I am privileged to work with a lot of talented people across industry and the public sector to provide support, and a guiding hand, for the work that Skills Development Scotland (SDS) does to close the technology skills gap in Scotland across all sectors.

The organisation’s financial and reporting year goes from April to March, so I thought the timing of this particular column gave me the perfect opportunity to highlight and commend the work of SDS, and all its partners, for delivering an amazing and impactful programme of work during a year like no other.

Despite a pandemic causing major disruption to the way we all live and work, SDS’ digital skills team delivered a mountain of great work during this difficult and disruptive year. The key projects below are by no means exhaustive, but they are indicative:

As you can see, despite the pandemic – or maybe even because of it – SDS continued to work with all its partners in a positive and effective way to enhance Scotland’s digital capability, and in turn its entire economy. 

Neurodiversity, upskilling and reskilling, and digital skills in schools are just three of the priorities that my colleagues on the DESG and I will be working on with SDS for this new financial year. Watch this space for more information as and when I can share it, but it’s already promising to be another busy and exciting year ahead.

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