
CityFibre moves forward with Inverness’ Digital Transformation

Fibre Optics © asharkyu / Shutterstock

Work is now well underway to build a future-proof full fibre network to reach almost every home and business in the city. CityFibre is investing at least £20m in Inverness to deliver the transformational project as part of its nationwide plan to replace the country’s ageing copper-based networks with gigabit-capable full fibre connectivity. By using fibre optic cables for every stage of the connection, from the customer’s home or business to the internet, users will be offered a significantly superior and more reliable broadband service, capable of Gigabit speeds (1,000 Mbps). The network is not yet live in Inverness, but once activated, services will be available to residents from an increasing range of broadband providers. Across the UK, CityFibre is already working with launch partner, Vodafone, to deliver next generation broadband services, with TalkTalk and other ISPs expected to join the network soon. Allan McEwan, CityFibre’s City Manager for Inverness, said: “Full fibre connectivity and next generation broadband services will transform the lives of those living in Inverness. At a time when connectivity is becoming a critical service for many households and businesses across the country, this goes far beyond simply helping households access the latest entertainment at lightning speed. The benefits range from enabling smart city technologies to improve quality of life to giving people the freedom to work efficiently from home with no buffering or bottlenecks. Speaking of the investment, Malcolm Macleod, Executive Chief Officer – Infrastructure and Environment at The Highland Council, said: “We welcome CityFibre’s private investment into Inverness to deliver a modern, fit-for-purpose digital infrastructure that will futureproof homes and businesses. “The Highland Council continues to work closely with the private sector to facilitate economic growth in the digital age and CityFibre’s full fibre network will be vital in ensuring Inverness has a resilient and dynamic economy for years to come.”

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