- a care home in the Forth Valley area was left without a PPE order after the supplier claimed they had not received the £10,000 payment, despite it being sent. A police investigation showed that the payment had been moved from the bank account it was paid into and they believe organised criminals were behind it
- a number of reports of people knocking doors and offering to disinfect the householder’s driveway to rid it of any COVID-19 for a fee
- businesses emailed by scammers urging them to click on an official-looking link for a £25,000 grant. The link leads to a fake ‘UK Government’-branded website asking for business and banking details
- £10,000 fraud intercepted by Scottish Borders Council when an application for a business support grant was hacked by criminals who requested the redirection of the payment to a different bank account. Due to the checks in place the council were alert to the scam and the money was not paid out
Criminals seek to exploit COVID-19 outbreak

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Criminals are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic and playing on the fears of businesses and the public, Scotland’s Serious Organised Crime Taskforce has heard.
Organised crime groups are now focusing on targeting those most vulnerable at home and in the care sector, including: