Enterprise & Innovation

EY brings global technology and innovation capability to Edinburgh

Edinburgh © Richie Chan / shutterstock

Infusing digital innovation and technology into business is key in enabling Scotland’s future economic growth ambitions.

As organisations get to grips with the continuous disruption, at an increasingly fast pace, EY is committed to supporting businesses across Scotland capitalise on the opportunities available.

We are helping them explore and develop, in an agile manner, the solutions that will help them thrive in the transformative age and achieve their local and global ambitions.

To support that commitment, EY has over 100 technology specialists in Scotland, with plans to grow and has opened their new technology and innovation centre, wavespace, in Edinburgh.

EY wavespace Edinburgh is part of a global network of growth and innovation centres that brings together EY’s multi-disciplinary business talents, unique capabilities and IP in a new state of the art, collaborative and interactive working environment.

EY teams are supporting a diverse range of clients through digital transformation projects across sectors and technologies, delivering fast paced impressive results for efficiency, service design, quality and improved customer experience.

Including supporting public sector and oil & gas clients develop accelerated digital strategies, helping a shipping business transform its port efficiency, implementing intelligent automation to deliver business outcomes more effectively and providing insight through data driven innovation.

The Scottish financial services industry has seen an exponential rise in the design and development of new technology enablers that support digital business agendas.

Through a complementary set of business,risk, regulatory, and technology capabilities, EY is helping the FS sector accelerate their business performance through the use of technology as either a disruptor or innovator to their current business model. EY wavespace is helping the co-creation of cutting-edge technology assets be designed and created herein Edinburgh, such as the development of mobile banking apps.

Technology is changing how we live. At EY, we are embracing and adapting to change as we strive to build a better working world.

For more information please contact:

Joe Al-Gharabally
FS Scotland Technology Leader
E: jalgharabally@uk.ey.com T: +44 131 777 2442

Neil MacLean
UK&I Scotland Advisory Partner
E: nmaclean@uk.ey.com T +44 131 777 2035

Download a PDF of FutureScot Magazine in The Times Scotland 15.12.18.

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