Enterprise & Innovation

Fintech jobs boost for Scotland as cluster goes from strength to strength

Nicola Anderson, CEO, FinTech Scotland. Photograph: Rob Perry

The number of jobs in Scotland’s fintech sector has grown by 24 per cent in the last two years, new figures from FinTech Scotland have shown.

As the cluster management organisation celebrates its sixth anniversary, the jobs boost is a reflection of a growing number of fintech SMEs, steady growth and more international businesses coming to Scotland.

FinTech Scotland also reports an increase in enterprises scaling through collaboration with large financial institutions. Fintech innovation labs are playing a key role, creating the environments that enable product development to thrive and support partnerships to develop. 

These innovation labs, launched with institutions such as Lloyds Banking Group, TSB and Phoenix, are providing positive outcomes for customers through collaborative fintech partnerships.

Examples include: Snugg and TSB enabling TSB’s customers to improve their home energy efficiency; Behavioural Finance and the Phoenix Group supporting better retirement outcomes for consumers; and GoCodeGreen teaming up with Lloyds Banking Group around digital sustainability.

The fintech SME community and wider fintech cluster has made Scotland a major destination for companies worldwide and continues to position Scotland as a global opportunity for innovation, according to FinTech Scotland, with 38 international fintechs including Scotland in their development plans, such as AccessFintech, Clearwater Analytics, Two Hands, and Mail Metrics.

FinTech Scotland has further plans in 2024 to support fintech SMEs to scale, maintaining a focus on investment, international connection, and impactful collaborative partnerships.

Nicola Anderson, CEO of FinTech Scotland, said: “As we mark Fintech Scotland’s sixth anniversary, we’re focused on building on the strong foundations that are enabling Scotland to continue to realise its fintech potential. Seeing the increase in SMEs and the growth in jobs is a testament to the fintech businesses and the commitment from all involved in the FinTech Scotland Cluster. It spurs us on as we look to the year ahead and continue to focus on growth, the fintech community, and supporting Scotland to achieve its ambition as global fintech leader.”

Jane Martin, managing director of innovation and investment at Scottish Enterprise, said: “The 24 per cent increase in jobs in the fintech cluster reflects Scotland’s commitment to nurturing an environment where technological and financial innovation can thrive.

“The growth in employment is a clear indicator of our country’s attractiveness to global fintech companies, driven by our rich talent pool, academic excellence and well-established strengths of our financial services sector. We look forward to working with FinTech Scotland and the wider sector to see even more companies coming through, achieving scale and creating new jobs over the years to come.”

Jackie Leiper, chief customer & distribution officer, insurance, pensions & investments at Lloyds Banking Group, and CEO of Embark said: “Over the past three years through our Launch Innovation Lab we have worked with over 30 fintech firms, supporting their product development, generating new products for our customers, clients and colleagues whilst tackling some very important challenges around climate, cost-of living and financial inclusion.

“A growing fintech sector benefits the whole industry, supporting talent development and attraction, driving innovation, and enabling purpose-led collaboration with good outcomes for business and consumers. The Launch Innovation Lab will continue to grow, and we will continue to work in close collaboration with FinTechScotland to build on our success to date and create more opportunities to engage fintechbusinesses in 2024.”

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