Justice & Policing

Four legaltech startups to pitch to investors at Edinburgh hybrid event

Edinburgh has been named the most 'AI ready' city in the UK outside London. Photograph: CodeBase

Four Scottish legaltech startups will get a chance to pitch to investors and industry leaders on Thursday at a hybrid event in Edinburgh.

The companies – Alta IP, Amiqus, Valla, and Exizent – have been lined up for the LawtechUK live and online launch event at CodeBase in the city.

Alta IP, an intellectual property specialist, compliance fintech Amiqus, employment law platform Valla, and Exizent, a company developing technology to support the bereavement process, will take part in the event aimed at supporting the growth of lawtech and innovation in the delivery of legal services.

In March, CodeBase, along with partners LegalGeek, was awarded the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Lawtech grant, worth up to £3 million over two years.  The LawtechUK programme is aimed at supporting the UK’s position as a world-leading destination for legal services and the growth of lawtech and innovation in the delivery of legal services. 

The MoJ sees the growth of lawtech and innovation in the delivery of legal services as vital to a flourishing legal sector, and to ensuring that UK legal services remain a leading choice for international business.   

CodeBase and LegalGeek are now responsible for driving forward and building on the work of the lawtech Delivery Panel, an industry-led body designed to promote and champion the use of technology in the UK’s legal sector.

Speakers at the free event on Thursday, May 18, include Martin Boyle and Jon Hope from CodeBase, Jimmy Vestbirk and Beth Fellner from LegalGeek, and Bal Singh and Liam Angus from Barclays Eagle Labs. 

With the in-person proceedings taking place at CodeBase in Edinburgh, the event will include networking for startups, industry leaders, investors, and other members of the legal community.  

Martin Boyle, VP of Transformation at CodeBase, said: “The event is open to our entire network, and anyone interested in learning more about LawtechUK. Whether you’re a startup founder, legal professional, investor, government, student, or just interested, everyone is welcome. The opportunity will be to learn more about the UK government’s support for lawtech innovation, and to hear valuable insights from industry leaders.” 

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