cyber security 2025

Scotland’s leading public sector cyber resilience conference

Date: Tuesday 25 February 2025
Venue: University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow
Conference timings: 08:30 – 16:30

registration coming soon

To be notified when registration for Cyber Security 2025 opens, please click below

Scotland’s leading public sector cyber security conference will open The Scottish Governments Cyber Scotland Week 2025. The agenda will be available soon; in the meantime, look at 2024’s stellar lineup and register your interest in next year’s conference.

Defending Scotland’s critical infrastructure from online harm has become a top priority for government. With public sector agencies, local government, and the NHS all under attack from cybercriminals, our annual cybersecurity conference is a must-attend for tech, policy, and management specialists working at the coalface of digital security.

Featuring international expertise from US cybersecurity agencies and Britain’s own National Cyber Security Centre, Cyber Security Scotland is the meeting place for global, national and regional cyber specialists to provide the latest on skills, AI, machine learning, and secure communication systems—essential tools for modernising security frameworks, enhancing threat detection, and optimising incident response. This gathering is crucial for all professionals committed to protecting their operations against sophisticated cyber threats, making it an instrumental event for cybersecurity practitioners.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the latest strategic policy direction and active cyber defence programmes available from government
  • Learn how best-in-class cyber education and skills programmes can embed online resilience in your organisation
  • Delve into real-life cybersecurity case studies, learning how to prevent, prepare and protect your organisation from insidious threats such as ransomware.
  • Connect with industry and government peers to strengthen your networks and tap into opportunities to collaborate.
  • Experience the latest tips and techniques on cyber protection from cutting-edge industry masterclasses.

Fully accredited by The CPD Group, attending earns you 8 CPD credits. For more details click here.

2024 Speakers

2025 speakers to be announced soon

Deputy Director
The National Cyber Resilience and Security Division, Scottish Government

Director for National Resilience and Future Technology
National Cyber Security Centre

Head of NI Cyber Security Centre
NI Cyber Security Centre

Head of Cyber Resilience
NI Civil Service

The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Business Lead, Policing in a Digital World
Police Scotland

Head of Cyber Resilience Unit
The Scottish Government

Services Operations Director

Professor of Applied Cryptography
Edinburgh Napier University

Head of Cyber

Innovation Lead for Digital Security
UK Research and Innovation

Head of Information & Cyber Security
NHS National Services Scotland

Business Development Manager
cyberQuarter, Abertay University

Cyber and Fraud Centre - Scotland

Head of Sector Development – Digital Economy and Financial Services
Skills Development Scotland

Cyber Incident, Vulnerability and Exercising Lead
The Scottish Government

Cyber Investigations and Digital Forensics, Specialist Crime Division
Police Scotland

Head of Information Assurance & Cyber Security

SWAN Framework at BT Business

Senior Manager, Cyber Service Strategy and Innovation

Blockchain Programme Manager, School of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

Field CTO Security (Cisco Netherlands)
Cisco International Ltd

Cyber Security Specialist

Head of Cyber Assurance

Senior Solutions Engineer
Immersive Labs

Sales Engineering Team Lead
Recorded Future

2024 Agenda

The 2025 agenda is coming soon

27 February 2024 | Session 1 (2024): Building a Cyber Resilient Scotland

8:30 AM – 8:55 AM

Registration & refreshments

8:55 AM – 9:00 AM

Chair’s opening remarks

Kim McAllister
9:00 AM – 9:10 AM

Government keynote: Strengthening Scotland’s cyber resilience

Alan Gray
The National Cyber Resilience and Security Division, Scottish Government
9:10 AM – 9:25 AM

Defending Scotland from online harms

Working to thwart cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled crime

CS Conrad Trickett
Police Scotland
9:25 AM – 9:45 AM

America’s cyber & critical infrastructure defence agency

Working with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborate to build a more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future

Julie M. Johnson
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
9:45 AM – 10:00 AM

From Concept to Reality: Establishing a SOC in Northern Ireland

Lessons learnt from across the water

Valerie Wilson
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM

Questions from audience

Alan Gray
The National Cyber Resilience and Security Division, Scottish Government

CS Conrad Trickett
Police Scotland

Julie M. Johnson
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Valerie Wilson
10:10 AM – 11:00 AM

Expert Panel: Cyber perspectives

Building strong regional partnerships and clusters of excellence to boost cyber resilience across Scotland and the UK

Jonathon Ellison OBE
National Cyber Security Centre

Jude McCorry
Cyber and Fraud Centre - Scotland

Lorraine McCaffrey
NI Cyber Security Centre

Jackie Wishart
NI Civil Service

Paul Peters
The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales
11:00 AM – 11:20 AM

Networking & refreshments

27 February 2024 | Session 2 (2024): Cyber Security Masterclasses

11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Understanding your organisation’s attack surface; you can’t protect what you can’t see

When it comes to securing critical public services, visibility of your organisation’s attack surface is key to eliminating blind spots and the risk from ever evolving threats. Join Cyber Security Specialist, Chris Booth, as he explores the challenges that come with identifying your attack surface and how organisations must strive for a holistic, up-to-the-minute and consolidated risk-based view of all assets (IT, IoT and OT) to secure vital citizen services.

Chris Booth
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Securing our World with Intelligence

Join us for an illuminating session on "Securing Our World with Intelligence." Delve into the intricate nexus of IT security, threat intelligence, and geopolitical landscapes. Explore how actionable insights gleaned from these realms fortify our defenses and shape global security strategies. Uncover the pivotal role intelligence plays in safeguarding our digital and physical domains.

Matt Ford
Recorded Future
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Compliance ≠ security. How the European NIS-2 cyber security directive will increase security and resilience for organisations and our society

Unravel the complexities of the cybersecurity threat landscape that led to the NIS2 directive. Learn about its ramifications for both EU and non-EU states and grasp practical steps towards achieving compliance. Hear more about risk management, asset discovery and the care and reporting duty in NIS2.

Jan Heijdra
Cisco International Ltd
11:50 AM – 12:00 PM


12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Ingredients to deliver a future proof cyber strategy

A conversation around the key factors (ingredients) that deliver a successful cyber strategy, some of the latest innovation and capabilities in the cyber space and what is currently possible and available here in Scotland. Hayden will also highlight the SWAN framework, and some of the benefits that partnership and this framework enables from a security perspective.

Kim McAllister (Chair)

Hayden Edwards
SWAN Framework at BT Business

Derek Arthur
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

“Beat the Bot” GenAI Challenge

Dive into the dangers of AI, how it's impacting cybersecurity across the workforce, and what you need to know to build resilience against threats. In this interactive challenge you will test your skills against an AI to better understand prompt injection risks. No technical knowledge is required.

Gwyndaf Davies
Immersive Labs
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Avoiding an Udder Disaster

Join us to play Udder Disaster, a board game created by cyber experts to replicate real life business challenges in a fun and engaging way. Used as a training tool, it helps businesses, charities, schools and more, articulate the importance of balancing business objectives with good risk management, cyber security and a well-thought-out strategy for staff of all levels.

Craig Archdeacon
12:30 PM – 1:25 PM

Lunch and networking

27 February 2024 | Session 3 (2024): Leadership Streams on Threat Intelligence, Incident Response & Security Operations; Community & Outreach

1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Threat Intelligence, Incident Response & Security Operations

Working together to respond to the growing threat of cybercrime

Kim McAllister (Chair)

Keith McDevitt
The Scottish Government

DCI Norman Stevenson
Police Scotland

Scott Barnett
NHS National Services Scotland

Richard J. Jones
1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Community & Outreach

The importance of partnerships, engagement and regional networks in improving cyber resilience for citizens and businesses

Clare El Azebbi (Chair)
The Scottish Government

Beverly Bowles

Cheryl Torano
cyberQuarter, Abertay University

Phil Ford
Skills Development Scotland
2:45 PM – 3:05 PM

Networking & refreshments

27 February 2024 | Session 4 (2024): Cyber Innovation

3:05 PM – 4:25 PM

Cyber Innovation

The future of cyber security: Exploring secure by design and the latest cutting-edge cyber technologies

Kim McAllister (Chair)

Nuala Kilmartin
UK Research and Innovation

Mojtaba Tefagh
The University of Edinburgh

Professor Bill Buchanan OBE
Edinburgh Napier University
4:25 PM

Conference close