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Welcome to We are Scotland’s only independent media platform reporting on public technology and innovation. We bring a wealth of journalistic experience and expertise to the sector alongside our media partner The Times Scotland. 

Our editorial team produces original content online daily, in our weekly newsletters, and from Futurescot Magazine which is published quarterly and distributed in The Times Scotland. We report on Scotland’s vibrant tech sector and from our own Futurescot Live events. As well as celebrating achievements we want to encourage healthy debate – so please join in. If you would like to respond to anything we have published or have news and views you would like to contribute please email: or get in touch on Twitter.

Futurescot Newsletter

Emailed to you every Friday lunchtime, the Futurescot newsletter is the must-open news source for for public technology and innovation in Scotland. Featuring news, high-quality analysis from our guest columnists, the newsletter also tracks procurement, lobbying, policy and practical guidance and information on digital development. Spanning government, health and care, skills, justice and policingeconomy and enterprise, catch up with the latest developments in technology and innovation that are transforming the way we live, work and play.

Edutech Newsletter

Emailed to subscribers every Wednesday, the weekly Edutech newsletter is read by head teachers, deputes, teachers, educational technologists and business transformation specialists working to improve the experience of learners across the digital teaching and learning ecosystem in Scotland. We feature regular news, insight and perspectives from guest columnists and writers about the achievements, wishes and desires of a workforce dedicated to improving the educational attainment and life chances for our young people and build a society founded on fairness and inclusion for all.