Health & Care Transformation 2023

The Annual Conference for Health & Care Leaders in Scotland

Date: Thursday 30th March 2023
Venue: University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow
Timings: Conference 08:30 – 16.30

Ticket Prices (including admission to reception)


The future of healthcare is upon us. Join us in Glasgow as we bring together stakeholders from across Scotland’s health, care and third sector landscape for a landmark conference to chart a path towards the better management of social care in the community. Hear about developments in electronic health records, AI detecting patient deterioration and remote platforms monitoring patients’ vital signs from afar. Scaling technology trials and innovation pilots are the next big challenge as we navigate a path to sustainable health and care services based on tech-driven preventative and interventionist care delivery models.

  • Health and Care Transformation is the leading public sector conference for digital health and social care leaders in Scotland.
  • The conference will analyse how the post-pandemic service paradigm is shifting ever more towards digitisation and technology and how we better manage demand and improve care.
  • We look at the ways in which data, sensors, applications, and automation can be part of the everyday experience of treatment and care.
  • Join us as healthcare and industry leaders map out how technology and innovation can play a vital role in making care more accessible, accountable, and applicable to the way people are living their lives.

2023 Sponsors

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Scottish Health Correspondent
The Times

Regius Professor of Medicine at the University of Glasgow and Chief Scientist (Health)
The Scottish Government

Chief Information Officer
Research Data Scotland (RDS)

Director for Digital Health & Care, Health & Social Care Directorates
The Scottish Government

Director of Health Data and Digital Policy
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Chief Executive Officer
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Professor in Health Data Science
University of St. Andrews

Chief Executive
Scottish Care

Head of Innovation for Care and Well Being
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Clinical eHealth Lead
NES Technology Service

Joint Chair
Royal College of General Practitioners (Scotland)

Clinical Director of eHealth
NHS Grampian

National Lead Remote Health Pathways / Connect Me
Digital Health & Care Directorate, The Scottish Government

Digital Education and Adoption Lead
Digital Health & Care Directorate, Scottish Government

Clinical Director Innovation
University of Glasgow

Clinical Chair; Consultant Physician
Scottish Health Board Digital Leads; NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Commercial Director

Deputy Director
Digital Health and Care, The Scottish Government

Clinical Development Lead

Chancellor's Fellow, DDI / Digital Health & Care
Usher Institute - University of Edinburgh

Consultant across ITU and Anaesthetics
NHS Fife

Group CEO
Albyn Housing Society Ltd

Group Product and Engineering Director
Access Health, Support and Care

Director of Technology Proofing
Sopra Steria

Cyber Exercising Coordinator

National Treatment Centre Commissioning and Performance Manager
NHS Highland

Cancer Service Manager
NHS Highland

Commercial Director

Programme Lead, DataLoch
University of Edinburgh

AI Strategy Lead
NHS Forth Valley

Chief Executive Officer
Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre


30 March 2023 | Session 1 - Transforming Healthcare

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Registration & networking

9:00 AM – 9:05 AM

Chair’s opening remarks

Helen Puttick
The Times
9:05 AM – 9:15 AM

Ministerial keynote

Digital technology and the role it can play in NHS Recovery and future service sustainability

Stephen Gallagher
The Scottish Government
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM

Empowering people, practitioners, and innovators

A new Data Strategy for Health and Social Care

Jonathan Cameron
Digital Health and Care, The Scottish Government
9:30 AM – 9:50 AM

Health data as an engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in Scotland

Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak
The Scottish Government
9:50 AM – 10:05 AM

Harnessing the power of digital innovation and data to secure a better future

Prof George Crooks OBE
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
10:05 AM – 10:15 AM

Questions from the audience

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

Expert panel

The road ahead for Scottish health and social care: using technology to empower citizens to take their health and wellbeing into their own hands

Dr Margaret Whoriskey MBE
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Dr Chris Williams
Royal College of General Practitioners (Scotland)

Dr Steve Baguley
NHS Grampian

Dr Donald Macaskill
Scottish Care
11:00 AM – 11:20 AM

Networking & refreshments

30 March 2023 | Session 2 - Parallel Masterclass Sessions

11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Exercise in a box – introduction to cyber

An introduction to cyber security for organisations that will cover the basics such as password management, ransomware, and phishing to help maintain a secure online presence.

Stephen Broadbridge
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Deploying electronic observations and assessments at NHS Fife and the impact it has had on deteriorating patients

In this session, Dr Gavin Simpson, Consultant across ITU and Anaesthetics at NHS Fife will discuss his experience of being SRO for the implementation of electronic observations, the impact it’s made and the lessons he’s learned.

Dr Gavin Simpson
NHS Fife

Tom Scott
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Responsible innovation: involving patients in clinical risk management design

At ieso, we are committed to responsible innovation. The views of our users and patients through lived experience continually support the development of our digital therapeutic. This masterclass will deep dive into a case study exploring how we recruited patients, gathered their views, and learnt about safety from them.

Malika Bouazzaoui
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Virtual wards supporting integrated care

Access Health, Support and Care, a leading technology partner, discuss bringing together health and social care environments within an integrated care model to provide a secure, scalable and robust clinical platform, delivering a transformational virtual ward solution centred around the individual.

Alan Payne
Access Health, Support and Care
12:30 PM – 1:25 PM

Lunch, supplier showcase & networking

30 March 2023 | Session 3 - Health & Care Leadership Streams - Data & AI; Technology Enabled Care

1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Data & AI

The coming wave of artificial intelligence and automation in Scottish healthcare: making the journey from research and ‘use cases’ to live clinical service

Professor David Lowe
University of Glasgow

James Blackwood
NHS Forth Valley

Dr Janet Valentine
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Prof Colin McCowan
University of St. Andrews
1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Technology Enabled Care

Remote patient monitoring, online appointments, telecare and innovative uses of technology in virtual health and care

Morag Hearty
Digital Health & Care Directorate, The Scottish Government

Marc Beswick
Digital Health & Care Directorate, Scottish Government

Matt-Mouley Bouamrane
Usher Institute - University of Edinburgh

Kirsty Morrison
Albyn Housing Society Ltd
2:45 PM – 3:05 PM

Networking & refreshments

30 March 2023 | Session 4 - Health & Care Leadership Streams - Patient Journey; Innovation

3:05 PM – 4:25 PM

Patient Journey

Looking at the importance of an accurate, unified data foundation on which to base effective frontline patient care.

Nadine Carey-Whitehead

Derick MacRae
NHS Highland

Donna Smith
NHS Highland

Dr Sam Patel
NES Technology Service
3:05 PM – 4:25 PM


Supporting Scotland’s research, startup and spin out communities to develop cutting-edge products and services in burgeoning digital health and care markets

Kathy Harrison
University of Edinburgh

Marian McNeil
Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre

Hugh Wallace
Research Data Scotland (RDS)

Clémence Grocholska
Sopra Steria
4:25 PM

Conference close


Sponsor profile

AliveCor is transforming heart care by delivering intelligent, personalised heart data to clinicians and patients anytime, anywhere. AliveCor’s clinically validated ECG devices can detect up to 6 of the most common arrhythmias in 30 seconds.  

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Alcidion provides hospitals and integrated care systems with a modern, modular electronic patient record. 

Bringing together data from multiple systems, such as the PAS, EPMA, inpatient digital systems, pathology and reablement services using an open-standards data platform, clinicians have access to the full picture of care for the patient, supporting quicker decisions from admission to discharge and beyond. 

Alcidion unlocks value from existing technology solutions, showing real-time capacity and demand across entire systems, identifying bottlenecks, automating routine activity and providing clinical decision support along each patient pathway, reducing the cognitive burden on staff. 

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The ABPI exists to make the UK the best place in the world to research, develop and use new medicines and vaccines. We represent companies of all sizes who invest in discovering the medicines of the future. 

Our members supply cutting edge treatments that improve and save the lives of millions of people. We work in partnership with Government and the NHS so patients can get new  treatments faster and the NHS can plan how much it spends on medicines. 

Every day, we partner with organisations in the life sciences community and beyond to  transform lives across the UK. 

Sponsor profile

Cambric Systems is a leading provider of healthcare software solutions with a track record of innovation and excellence. Founded in 1996, Cambric has delivered robust and scalable solutions to the NHS and other public healthcare providers. Its flagship product, the Morse platform, is utilised by over 50% of Scotland’s health boards, supporting efficient patient record management, task workflows, and interoperability across acute and community care. Cambric is dedicated to fostering customer collaboration through regular updates and enhancements, ensuring the system evolves with healthcare needs. With a focus on secure, scalable, and user-friendly systems, Cambric empowers clinicians and administrators to deliver high-quality, patient-centred care. 

Sponsor profile

Research and science is at the heart of ieso; we learn from our data to develop digital capabilities that focus on patient recovery. We deliver text-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for adults with depression and anxiety disorders. We have treated over 130,000 adults in the NHS and delivered over 700,000 therapy hours with excellent patient outcomes and experience. 

Sponsor profile

At Insource we specialise in data management solutions to the NHS. We harness the power of disparate data to drive better patient care, streamline operational efficiencies, and extract essential insights from across the hospital, health board or complete ICS.

With over 20 years’ experience we’ve dealt with acute, community, mental health, cancer, GPs, ambulance and all specialist areas.  Our revolutionary cancer tracking solution, live in NHS Highland, is bringing unified data on a patient’s full care journey, direct to the frontline clinical teams for swift care planning, next steps and smooth treatment regimens.

Our ground-breaking technology brings all the detailed pathway data, previously locked into various IT systems, into one place – despite the legacy infrastructure. This accurate single version of the truth can then be shared by clinicians and managers for system-wide care coordination, elective recovery and better patient care.

More than 60 trusts, health boards, ICSs and independent providers rely on our powerful data management solutions to enable informed trust-wide management, ICS insight and control, and partner solutions innovation.

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InterSystems is supporting healthcare transformation around the world making the vision of connected health and care a reality.  We enable every care provider in every care setting secure access to a shared electronic health and care record for each patient, giving them all available information to help them make quicker and safer decisions. 

Creating an environment that enables informed patient engagement and facilitates easier access to services. Where you’re not only capturing and sharing information, but you’re able to immediately understand and act on that information through embedded analytics and decision support. Over 110 NHS Trusts and Boards are using InterSystems Technology to connect and share information between disparate clinical systems, we know connected care is improved care.

Sponsor profile

Inhealthcare is the UK’s number one choice for remote patient monitoring, virtual wards and hospital @ home technology.

Our technology is tried and tested and has been proven to free up hospital beds, cut costs and reduce A&E admissions.

We support more than 50 NHS trusts in England, the five Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland and we have a national agreement with National Services Scotland to deliver services across the Scottish health boards. 

Our services are also loved by patients. In a recent survey, 99% of patients rated our virtual ward as either good or very good.

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InnoScot Health works in partnership with NHS Scotland to identify, protect, develop and commercialise healthcare innovations to improve patient care. 

InnoScot Health’s multidisciplinary team uses specialised knowledge to help bring new ideas and innovations from healthcare professionals to life. The organisation provides expert services including intellectual property advice and protection, regulatory expertise, project management, idea incubation, funding advice, development and commercialisation, and post-commercialisation monitoring. 

Formed in 2002, and formerly known as Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL), InnoScot Health is a private company registered in Scotland (SC236303) and limited by guarantee with three shareholders – Scottish Ministers through the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), NHS Tayside and NHS Golden Jubilee. 

Sponsor profile

The Usher Institute at The University of Edinburgh works with people, populations and data to understand and advance the health of individuals and populations, through innovative collaborations in a global community. It is one of six Data-Driven Innovation delivery hubs funded by the City Region Deal.  Our Director is Professor Sir Aziz Sheikh OBE. 

Our academic expertise includes population health and the use of data in health and care. First established in 1902 the Usher Institute is home to the oldest chair of public health in the UK and has a strong international reputation for research and teaching excellence. 

A dynamic community of innovators – where academics, public, private and third sectors collaborate to enable data-driven advances in the delivery of health and social care – is becoming established. This global community is driven by the Usher Institute and underpinned by the unique DataLoch data service. 

Sponsor profile

Open Medical is a team of clinically-led digital health pioneers. Founded by practising NHS clinicians, we combine a deep understanding of the healthcare landscape with unrivalled technical expertise to produce intelligent, clinician-centric software solutions and drive impactful digital transformation in healthcare. Open Medical specialises in developing and implementing bespoke patient pathways and clinical workflow solutions for all specialities across all care settings. We enable healthcare providers to prioritise, synchronise, and visualise team workflows with our fully interoperable, cloud-based, digital platform called PathpointⓇ. Pathpoint is an adaptable system that offers a suite of software solutions that are suitable for all healthcare settings and used across more than 100 NHS and HSE sites with over 2.5 million patient pathways processed.

Our mission is to empower healthcare providers worldwide to deliver efficient data-driven care, by forming strong, long-lasting relationships and creating safe and secure, trusted solutions that deliver value. We are committed to our vision of an interconnected, collaborative, healthcare digital ecosystem.

Sponsor profile

Access Health, Support and Care provides a comprehensive portfolio of solutions that put the individual first, offering a truly joined-up approach to quality care. With the freedom to do more, we support health, care and support providers to improve outcomes and make a real difference to the individual experience and quality of services. 

With over 30 years’ experience, we provide local authorities, NHS, care organisations, and the third sector, with streamlined, integrated software solutions to manage health, care and community services. With a joined-up approach to connecting people, data, and the services they require, we put the needs of the individual at the centre of everything we do.

Sponsor profile

Orion Health is the UK’s leading supplier of shared care records, with 20+ years of experience supporting the NHS. Our Unified Healthcare Platform is trusted by hundreds of thousands of clinicians across 15 countries, helping to improve clinical workflows, enhance decision-making and deliver better care. Our platform is made up of Amadeus Digital Care Record, Orchestral Health Intelligence Platform, and Virtuoso Digital Front Door—a comprehensive suite that supports the entire health and care ecosystem. From data integration and care coordination to patient engagement and population health intelligence, we empower professionals to deliver better outcomes and experiences. Orion Health has a long and successful history in Scotland, working with regional and special health boards to support around 75% of the population. 

Sponsor profile

The Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland is a more-than-profit, employee-first organisation that exists to ensure Scottish organisations are as resilient as they can be against cyber and fraud crime. In the eventuality of a cyber or fraud attack,  the centre and its partners can support organisations through it and help them resume operations.

Sponsor profile

Siemens Healthineers pioneers breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. As a leading medical technology company Siemens Healthineers is continuously developing its product and service portfolio, with AI-supported applications and digital offerings that play an increasingly important role in the next generation of medical technology. These new applications will enhance the company’s foundation in in-vitro diagnostics, image-guided therapy, in-vivo diagnostics, and innovative cancer care. Siemens Healthineers also provides a range of services and solutions to enhance healthcare providers’ ability to provide high-quality, efficient care. Further information is available at 

Sponsor profile

Sopra Steria Next is the consulting arm of Sopra Steria, a European leader in technology and transformation with over 45,000 employees in 25 countries. 

We believe that success comes when you put people first. We help organisations to meet their goals by focussing obsessively on the needs of their customers: to perform better by empowering employees; and to win trust by being responsible corporate citizens.

We’re driven by what’s next. Technology offers opportunities to address our most important challenges. We enable large, complex organisations to innovate with next generation technology and data-driven insight.

For our clients, we blend business and technology expertise to deliver end-to-end transformation. Our consulting insight accelerates the pace of implementation. That’s because our advice is grounded in Sopra Steria’s experience of what it takes to run cutting edge services at scale.