Health & Social Care

FutureScot’s Health & Care Conference: a case study

SOMKID THONGDEE/Shutterstock.com

Patients Know Best (PKB) is the UK’s largest patient portal and the world’s first patient-controlled health records system.

This award-winning system is empowering more than 4,000 patients across Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to play an active role in managing their inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as well as offering them greater access to clinical expertise and innovative treatments.

Supported by the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Network (KSS AHSN), PKB is being used by patients to record their symptoms and communicate with their clinical team remotely, accelerating timely access to advice, clinical reviews for flare-ups and escalation to disease-modifying therapy where appropriate. It also offers reassurance to those patients who are stable without the need for a face-to-face review.

Talk to the Patients Know Best team at FutureScot’s Digital Health & Care Conference in Glasgow on 25 April.

Digital Health & Care 2019

The benefits of this patient-centred approach have been significant:

-The number of inpatient admissions and outpatient attendances has reduced.
-The time to access specialist care at the onset of a flare-up has reduced from 6 weeks to 1 week.
-60% of respondents reported that their IBD had been well controlled within approximately 2 weeks, with this figure rising to 71% after 4 months of usage.
-68% said the service had a positive impact on their IBD and 77% said it helped them feel more confident in managing their own health.
-An estimated £4million has been saved by prescribing more cost-effective medicines that can be remotely managed.

To find out more about clinical transformations with PKB, visit www.patientsknowbest.com or email enquiries@patientsknowbest.com.

Additional information

Patients Know Best (PKB) is the UK’s largest patient portal and the world’s first patient-controlled health records system.
-The Care Information Exchange, covering 2.3m citizens in North West London (and powered by Patients Know Best), is the largest patient-held record in the UK.
-The system is a multi-award winning tool to help patients manage their care better.
-PKB integrates fully into England’s NHS HSCN N3 secure network and the NHS Wales Informatics Service.
-PKB is available on any internet-enabled device. It can be used by patients and clinicians anywhere in the world.
-PKB is now used by over 60 hospitals across seven countries and in 19 different languages.

By choosing who they want to share their information with, patients can work more closely and effectively with their clinical teams. For example, healthcare professionals can create care plans digitally with input from patients whilst data from personal wearable devices can also be uploaded to enhance the monitoring of complex conditions. Videos and other media content can additionally be made available to help educate and activate patients to further improve care.

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