Education & Skills

Glasgow nurseries harness green tech to tackle climate change

Artist impression of new nursery. Supplied/Glasgow City Council

Four new nursery schools currently under construction in Glasgow will incorporate innovative green technologies to help mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

The early years establishments in Govanhill, Broomhill, Carntyne and Tollcross Park will employ air source heat pumps and supporting infrastructure to receive their hot water and heating from electricity – a low carbon source of energy.

Govanhill and Broomhill nurseries will also have smart grey water systems installed to mitigate localised flood risk by maximising underground rainwater storage capacity ahead of a storm event.

The early years expansion programme will be the first council new builds to embrace these new technologies in order to make the transition to a low carbon estate – highlighting our commitment to reducing carbon emissions.

The inclusion of sustainable solutions – deliverable through match-funding from the Scottish Government’s ‘low carbon infrastructure transition programme’ (LCITP), will support Glasgow’s Climate Emergency Plan and its target of net zero by 2030. Longer term, incorporating this type of green technology will also contribute towards meeting the national target of net zero target by 2045.

It is hoped the LCITP funding of £329,313 will not only help to increase the number of buildings within the region operating low carbon technologies but will also provide a platform for new skills and knowledge to be gained and embedded across the council’s technical teams.

Councillor Anna Richardson, city convener for sustainability and carbon reduction, said: “I’m delighted that the council has been awarded LCITP funding, which means we can incorporate technology into these new builds which will help reduce our carbon footprint and help us prepare for the effects of climate change.

“Delivering childcare places in a lower carbon way complements the council’s wider sustainability work in this area. The introduction of these green technologies also supports many of our other environmental strategies that seek to protect the environment. These projects will have a particularly positive effect on the local communities concerned by helping to lessen flood risk and reduce emissions from heat.”

Michael Matheson, cabinet secretary for net zero, energy and transport, said: “I’m hugely pleased that our low carbon infrastructure transition programme can support Glasgow City Council in ensuring the new nurseries will rely on low carbon energy sources for their heating and electricity consumption.

“It is important that facilities like these that play a valuable role in our communities align with the Scottish Government’s and Glasgow’s net zero commitments.”

All four new builds are currently under construction through the council’s principal contractor City Building (Glasgow) LLP – with all grant funded works to be completed by the end of March 2022.

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