Cloud, Data & AI

Hosted by Edinburgh Innovations, industry and researchers to tackle data challenges


Industry leaders who want to master data can join forces with Edinburgh University researchers to address business challenges and build new partnerships between industry and academia. On 15 March, AIMday Data, will bring together businesses and world-leading specialists to tackle real-world problems posed by current and future trends in the broad field of data.

AIMday Data is part of a series of AIMdays being hosted by Edinburgh Innovations, the university’s innovation management service, covering topics including manufacturing and energy. AIMday is an international initiative established by Uppsala University in Sweden.

The AIMday (Academic Industry Meeting day) format allows companies to pose questions in advance of the event, which are matched with researchers specialising in the relevant field. On the day itself, businesses and academics address the challenges together to explore potential solutions and build partnerships.

The scope of the data topic takes in everything from data storage, cloud computing and machine learning, to the application of data science in areas such as healthcare.

“Whether you are seeking to refine your highly developed algorithm or you’re wondering what the whole field of data is about and how it might transform your business, we have a range of experts who are leaders in that field who can help you,” said Alex Cassidy, programme manager at Edinburgh Innovations.

Edinburgh University is a global leader in the realm of data; its School of Informatics, for example, produced more ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally recognised’ research in computer science and informatics than any other institution in the UK, in the most recent national research assessment. The School is a recognised talent pool feeding several major tech firms based in Edinburgh.

The University has renowned expertise in data science, soon to be hosted in its new Bayes Centre, and it is leading the Data Driven Innovation Programme of the new Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, with the ambition to make Edinburgh the ‘data capital of Europe”’

It is host to ARCHER, the UK’s national high-performance computing facility, and is a UK Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research.

Businesses have until 2 February to register their questions for AIMday Data.

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