Health & Social Care

Innovation centre for precision medicine launches new fund to support researchers

Precision Medicine Scotland/Supplied

Scotland’s national innovation centre for precision medicine has launched a new fund to support researchers.

The Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre unveiled the first fund of its type, which will support up to 10 research projects with up to £30,000 each.

The centre works to accelerate the adoption of a more personalised form of medicine, based on a patient’s characteristics, including their unique biology and genetics. Such knowledge informs clinicians to more accurately diagnose conditions and prescribe more targeted treatments.

Applicants will need to demonstrate how their work will advance precision medicine and the fund will support work involving collaborations with the NHS, academia and industry. 

The fund will help support a new pipeline of tangible ideas to harness the potential of precision medicine in Scotland. The fund is aimed at research-led opportunities for Scottish University or college-based researchers.  

Precision Medicine Scotland is looking for ideas with a strong case for commercialisation.  It is seeking applicants from a Scottish research funding university or college with an industry partner to provide match funding.  For applicants looking to commercialise current research there must be a strong case of support from a business development specialist.  

Marian McNeil, chief executive, Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre, said: “We have designed this fund to help discover new innovation in precision medicine which can be adopted across the NHS in Scotland and the wider global economy. We are passionate about supporting new talent and we want to provide the impetus to accelerate the adoption of precision medicine in healthcare. Our aim is to support researchers who are already engaged in work that can change and save people’s lives.  

“We look forward to reviewing the high quality project proposals and to helping foster existing ideas that can make use of this fund to transform innovative research into tangible commercial outcomes that benefit patients.”

The deadline for submissions is the 23rd of September and successful applicants will be announced on 26th October. The Business Development Team at Precision Medicine Scotland will be available to discuss ideas with potential applicants.

PMS-IC was formed by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) in 2013 and since its inception, the Scotland-wide hub has been working with industry, academia, health charities, the NHS and government to collaborate to tackle the significant healthcare challenges that society faces. Its key projects cover conditions such as: Ovarian Cancer, MS, Oesophageal Cancer, COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pancreatic Cancer.  PMS-IC also delivers large scale collaborative informatics programmes with its industrial partners.

Proposals are to be submitted to: admin@precisionmedicinescotland.com. Details of the fund and forms are available from PMS-IC’s website: https://www.precisionmedicinescotland.com/2022/08/seed-funding-call-researches-can-apply-for-up-to-30000/

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