Cloud, Data & AI

Is your council running to stand still or making tracks to automation? VKY Intelligent Automation helps councils deliver better for less 

Automation assists teams in responding to needs faster and improves the quality of work for staff metamorworks/Shutterstock.com

Guaranteed reduction in costs for councils with automation

Councils across Scotland’s mainland and island communities are the trusted backbone of public service delivery. 

Often working unseen, but strong and democratic at their core, our councils keep society functioning. 

However, rising costs are creating pressures across every council’s remit. Solutions can seem unattainable when inflation combines with a shrinking workforce and increasing needs. 

There has never been a more urgent time for that crucial backbone to get some much-needed support.

Automation specialists, Glasgow-based VKY Intelligent Automation, assess council responsibilities from an automation perspective. With their findings, they demonstrate precisely how that council-specific support can be provided.

Impressive response rates and happier staff

What matters is meeting the needs of communities and individuals who depend on councils most. VKY can do this by reducing the required resources for routine duties through effective automation. 

From complex administration to quick response times for queries, automation assists your teams in responding to demands faster whilst also improving the quality of work by reducing monotonous and repetitive tasks.

Big city delivery 

City of Edinburgh Council have invested in automation to free people from repetitive and mundane tasks, enabling them to focus on tasks where a human can add value. 

They have been able to deliver over 40 powerful automated processes delivering significant financial and organisational benefits, including managing the way internal resources work. 

VKY’s Email Triage Bot proved especially invaluable, processing over 10,000 emails/month, freeing up resources and removing critical worker dependencies. 

When something is worth sharing, nothing can hold it back. “We invite all local authorities to benefit from the service improvements and savings delivered by automation,” says Alex Croucher, director of intelligent automation at VKY.

With hundreds of documents passing through council departments daily and high expectations to deliver on time, every council can gain from intelligent automation.

A carefully crafted business case and an automation pipeline from VKY will ensure the prioritisation of areas where automation will deliver the best possible outcomes.

Virtual workers bring urban and rural results

Councils recognise that manual, repetitive tasks waste workers’ valuable time. Turning this on its head, another council working with VKY has introduced intelligent automation for customer requests for waste collections. 

A step further saw the introduction of virtual workers to resolve straightforward housing enquiries and create human resource-free workflows for records and requests. 

This change results in citizens having 24/7 access to their services and frees-up council staff to focus on value-driven tasks. 

Make cost-saving change humane 

Councils deploying automation have stated that there will be no job losses due to automation. Instead, it creates the ability to enable the upskilling of employees to handle more complex citizen issues.

With a strong track record across public and private sectors, VKY Intelligent Automation can assist with any concerns council officers or elected members may have concerning moving to automated functions. 

With other potential change programmes, budgets can get in the way and make things difficult or simply not possible. 

Such barriers are incredibly frustrating when you’re trying to provide the best possible service to those who need it but lack the time and resources to do so.

The guaranteed cost-neutrality possible with automation often surprises elected members and council officers alike. 

Operating efficiency can be maximised alongside compliance and data accuracy improvements. 

Doing more and better for the same cost or less is only possible with the latest automation technology and a trusted partner’s help. 

If savings are the top priority, this can be factored into your council’s specific automation plan, drawn together by technology experts in partnership with local authority staff.

Partner Content in association with VKY Intelligent Automation

Meet Team VKY at Futurescot – Digital Scotland 2022. If you’d like to pre-arrange a meeting with a VKY expert to find out how automation can accelerate your organisation, then register for a complimentary guest pass by using code VKYGuest at: www.trybooking.com/uk/events/27172/sessions/151090/sections/55320/

Start your council’s journey toward intelligent automation. VKY Intelligent Automation has everything your organisation needs to make change work. www.vkyautomation.com/contact

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