Health & Social Care

Mobile Access to patient information empowers Community Healthcare across Scotland

Photograph: Cambric Systems

Introducing Morse EPR

Already used by over 11,500 healthcare professionals across seven Scottish health boards, Morse puts vital information in the hands of the clinician at the point of care, resulting in better outcomes for the patient. A powerful Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system designed for use in community and secondary care, Morse provides innovative online/offline access to many integrated health systems via mobile devices. Clinicians simply download their case load at the beginning of their shift, update patient records throughout the day, even if there is no network connection, and everything is synched when they are back online.

Through its modular design, Morse offers patient appointment scheduling, caseload and referral management, intelligent e-forms with all recorded information shared and visible across all services, where appropriate.

Here’s what Health Boards say about Morse.

Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership

– Holistic view of co-ordinated care, time and cost savings

ACHSCP uses Morse EPR for the Health Visiting Service and the School Nursing Service. The implementation has resulted in significant time and cost savings – around 7,600 hours (valued at £230,000) each year.  93% of staff say they would be happy to recommend the Morse solution to a colleague, and by supporting remote work, 76% of staff felt Morse enabled them to better manage their children and family’s needs throughout the COVID-19 response.

Michelle Grant, Senior Project Manager, ACHSC Partnership said: “Morse enables us to deliver joined-up, seamless care. It is particularly beneficial in ensuring a safe hand-over from Health Visiting to School Nursing when children leave care from one department to another. Today, one patient might be visited by Macmillan, the Hospital Home Team and Community Nursing, everyone has access to the same set of records. This holistic view is essential to delivering co-ordinated, integrated care and patients don’t get frustrated answering the same questions time and time again!

NHS Lanarkshire

– Increased patient involvement delivers a truly patient-centred experience

NHS Lanarkshire uses Morse to support District Nursing Services including long-term conditions and palliative care, and Children & Family Services.

Pauline Schoneville, District Nurse Practice Assessor at NHS Lanarkshire said; “Empowerment – for staff and for patients – is a critical success factor. While full of praise for the way Morse allows them to complete clinical documentation in real-time, increasing accuracy and reducing paperwork, staff particularly admire the greater levels of patient involvement the new technology affords. With instant access to accurate and complete data, nurses grow in confidence because they can better reassure and actively engage patients in their care pathways. Morse has made a huge difference to delivering a truly patient-centred experience.”

NHS Dumfries & Galloway

– Real-time access to GP patient data gives the full health picture, leading to more informed treatment decisions

At NHS D&G healthcare staff working in hospitals, clinics and across community services are able to access primary care information using the Morse EPR app at the point of care. Integration between the Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) and Morse provides access to real-time GP patient data giving clinicians the full picture of a patient’s health care record in order to make more informed, safer decisions regarding treatment.

Graham Gault, eHealth Lead at NHS Dumfries & Galloway stated: “This latest round of product development to provide access to GP records to our primary care clinicians with enhanced visibility across departments, is as a result of Cambric’s commitment to deliver genuinely helpful enhancements.”

We are always keen to discuss how Morse capabilities could help the community and social care practitioners in your NHS health board or trust. To book a one-to- one call or to arrange a demonstration, please visit: www.cambric.co.uk or call us on: 01382 217050 or email us: hi@cambric.co.uk

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