Health & Care

NHS Lanarkshire launches survey to inform new digital strategy


NHS Lanarkshire has launched a public survey to gather up views as it develops a new digital strategy.

The health board is keen for the new strategy to ‘reflect the needs’ of its local residents who have been more accustomed to accessing online services through Covid-19.

People are invited to feed back their opinions on using digital services and the board will attempt to align them with its overarching new healthcare strategy ‘Our Health Together’.

Ian Patterson, NHS Lanarkshire’s digital strategy project manager, said: “NHS Lanarkshire is preparing for the next five years to consider how online technologies can improve its health and social care services.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people across Lanarkshire used a smartphone, laptop or tablet for the first time. This might have included their first video consultation, increased use of health apps, self-assessment questionnaires or, in some cases, medical devices used at home.

“While some people found these new experiences challenging, others found it empowering. NHS Lanarkshire is considering how being connected online can support everyone in the region – even those who don’t own a digital device.

“We are keen to hear people’s views and would welcome their feedback by completing a short survey so that we can plan and prepare online services that will benefit the people of Lanarkshire.”

The survey will be completely anonymous.

Take part in the survey at https://forms.office.com/r/pHgmBNB3vF by 11.30pm on Monday 3 October. 

There will be further opportunities to engage in the development of the overall healthcare strategy ‘Our Health Together’ as this work moves forward in the coming months.

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