Education & Skills

Scottish history web series launched to aid teachers

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

A leading digital learning platform has announced the launch of its ‘Scottish History’ web series for schools and colleges with the aim of helping teachers deliver a ‘greater focus’ on the country’s past.

ClickView’s series of ‘high-quality’ video content – including televised news reports, documentaries and films covering Scottish history – is now available to teachers in Scotland to help them to deliver the curriculum. 

From Scottish Medieval history through the Scottish Wars of Independence (1286 – 1328) to Scotland’s involvement in the World Wars, the video-based content has been selected and categorised by curriculum area and year group.

Michael Wilkinson, UK managing director of ClickView said: “It was always the case that Scottish students were leaving school with little knowledge of their nation’s past because history was squeezed out of the curriculum. 

“Despite the increased emphasis on Scottish history, we recognised that it was a challenge for teachers to find appropriate, high-quality content to deliver the appropriate level of learning across all ages; very little was available.”

Jesanna Gooch, head of history at Leith Academy in Edinburgh and ClickView consultant added: “With a packed curriculum, teachers need to focus on the key facts and learning points. While the learning content still covers broader British history topics including World War 1 it focuses on Scotland’s contribution to the war, how people were involved and the part that the Scottish soldiers played.”

For further information, visit the Scottish History series page of the ClickView website.

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