Data & AI

Scottish public sector organisations urged to enter ‘AI Challenge’


Public sector bodies are being urged to enter an ‘AI Challenge’ competition – harnessing the technology to solve ‘real world problems’ and improve public services.

Central government, local councils, government agencies and NHS bodies are all encouraged to explore how the emerging tech can transform their organisations and enhance the lives of citizens.

Launched by Futurescot, in partnership with Scottish digital technology consultancy StormID, the challenge is designed to help public sector organisations take their first steps in terms of artificial intelligence exploration and potential future adoption.

“We are at the beginning of a new wave of AI technology developments and the Scottish public sector has a huge opportunity to capitalise on this technology to improve our public services and the lives of Scottish citizens who depend on them,” said Stewart Cruickshank, consulting director at Leith-based StormID.

“We’re incredibly excited to launch this challenge and we encourage public sector organisations to innovate and collaborate with us on AI ideas to solve real world problems without budget pressure.”

The Futurescot AI Challenge launches today and is open to all public sector organisations based in Scotland, including non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and government agencies.

By entering, they will join a three-stage process: first, they will submit their applications on a simple and accessible form via a simple application form.

Once received, applications will be reviewed against set project criteria. An expert judging panel will then shortlist three candidates for whom ‘proof of concepts’ (POCs) will be developed.

Finally, the POCs will be showcased at Futurescot’s annual Digital Scotland public sector digital transformation conference on November 26 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre – with the overall winner announced shortly after. 

Cruickshank added: “We want to ensure that this process is a rich and rewarding one for all those who are interested in applying. We would encourage anyone who is thinking about entering to get in touch, and we will do our very best to guide you through the process.”

And barriers to entry are deliberately being kept low, he said.

“We appreciate that AI has not only technical but business transformation considerations. We’re not expecting the creation of large project teams and the commitment of extensive resources to get the POCs off the ground. We simply want to enable applicants to explore the art of the possible when it comes to AI in their organisations.

“We also want to make sure we reflect the values of Scotland’s National AI strategy and trusted national AI resources, including the Scottish AI Register and Scottish AI Playbook.” 

Hamish Miller, Director, Futurescot, added: “We’re delighted to be partnering with StormID on the Futurescot AI Challenge. We are two organisations founded in Scotland and bound by our mutual dedication and commitment to the transformation of our public services using digital technology.

“AI is undoubtedly the next frontier in that regard. The technology is already transforming how we live our lives, in ways that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. The opportunity here is to ensure that the public sector is at the vanguard of this transformative technology – so we’d encourage anyone who can see the potential for AI in their organisations to apply now.”

Applications close on August 23.

Apply: aichallenge.scot

Why take part? 

The challenge offers multiple benefits for participants:

How to Enter 

Stage 1

Applicants put forward ideas on how to use AI to improve improving outcomes for citizens and driving efficiencies. Ideas do not need to be well-developed. We want you to simply set out your concept in the application form, and we’ll identify those with greatest potential and help you take them forward.

Stage 2

A panel of experts undertake shortlisting, and we help three shortlisted applicants to further develop their ideas, assessing viability and benefits via a workshop. StormID will work with you to develop an AI proof of concept (POC) to bring the idea to life. 

This stage culminates in the Digital Scotland 2024 public sector digital transformation conference in Edinburgh, where your team will have the opportunity to showcase the idea in a dedicated AI Leadership Session. 

Stage 3

This competition closes with an overall winner chosen and awarded £20,000-worth of technical support in assisting in progress towards future adoption.

For more information visit the AI Challenge page here.

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