
Setting the pace for digital agility

Business minister Ivan McKee (centre) opened AND Digital’s third club in Scotland in June 2022/Supplied

Digital growth has been accelerated by the demands of the global pandemic. Both private and public sector organisations have relied on technology more than ever for business continuity and innovation to understand their users better and deliver services that meet their needs. 

Keeping up with the pace of acceleration for digital products and services – and ensuring there is the talent with the skills to deliver them – remains a critical challenge. 

This explosive demand for skills is holding back many organisations in both the private and public sectors from being able to adapt to, and deliver these new business critical objectives.

AND Digital’s “Guide, Build and Equip” model is designed to help leaders to address the challenges at every level of the organisation, and stage of their digital transformation.

During the Guide stage we help shape the “north star” for businesses, departments or individual products or services. 

We understand and define the overarching vision, technology roadmap and organisational design. 

We then develop capability roadmaps to help departments understand the skills they will need over time to achieve these.

“Build” is the core of what we do. Working from discovery through to live, we work in blended teams with our customer to build user-centred digital services. 

We harness the best ideas from across the private and public sector sharing them across our clients. 

From maximising platform flexibility through multi-cloud, through to complex cross-departmental service design. 

We utilise tools and technology to perform rapid experimentation for greater user insights. 

Finally, “Equip” underpins everything we do. While technology is the enabler, it is people who drive transformation. 

As part of every project we provide coaching, training and workshops across all digital, data and technology (DDaT) roles as well as professional skills and ways of working. 

These are designed from the start and delivered consistently throughout to build capability over time and embed it on the job.

People at the core

When we started AND Digital in 2014, we set about understanding success in our increasingly fast-paced, technology-driven world. 

Since then, we have purposefully implemented the patterns, ways of operating, capabilities and mindset across public and private sector organisations enabling them to build and scale.

We believe every organisation now has user-centricity, technology and data at its core. And central to all of these areas are people. 

Organisations need their own people to innovate, build and delight their users. That is why we build a continuous learning environment for our ANDis and our customers. 

Our collaborative, blended team approach creates a shared commitment to a shared problem. 

Coupling our client’s domain knowledge with AND’s know-how, culture and capability building has delivered award winning services while building transformative digital capability. 

For more information about AND Digital’s technology consultancy services and how it works with clients to deliver digital transformation projects and boost customers’ internal tech capabilities visit www.and.digital

Partner Content in association with AND Digital 

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