Health & Care

Tactuum’s Quris healthcare platform

SOMKID THONGDEE/Shutterstock.com

Tactuum’s Quris healthcare platform is an integrated digital suite that delivers productivity benefits across 4 key areas:

  1. Clinical Companion (clinical productivity): web/mobile management and delivery of local clinical guidelines/policies and decision support resources directly to clinicians – through app, website and Electronic Medical Record (EMR). 
  2. Patient Companion (patient engagement): digital support for patient pathways across triage, referral, pre-operative, post-operative and discharge.
  3. Staff Companion (workforce productivity): workforce/human resource portal designed around NHS Digital standards with integration options for Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and more.
  4. Digital Front Door (staff productivity/patient satisfaction): health board public facing website including AI chatbot and self-serve service to reduce hospital administrative demands and improve the patient experience.

The Quris healthcare platform is being used:

NHS Scotland is using the Clinical Companion to make clinical guidance and policy tools available to clinicians when and where they need them.

Clinicians across all NHS health boards in Scotland now have easy access to clinical guidelines and validated decision support tools using Quris Clinical Companion via the Right Decision Service (RDS), built on the Quris platform.

The RDS is a once-for-Scotland national project funded by the Scottish Government and run by Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

The RDS hosts and delivers clinical guidance and policy intranets, websites and apps developed by health boards and specialist services, using Tactuum’s Quris Clinical Companion software.  It also holds a unique suite of UK Conformity Assessed (CA) decision support tools to aid actionable decision making.

The Quris Clinical Companion offers templates to help governance leads and guideline or policy creators to develop action-focused content, which is exposed to clinicians through a website, their electronic patient record, or an app.

The tools are available offline, so they can be used even when there is no internet access or in an emergency. Tactuum worked closely with clinical experts in the US and Scotland on the technology.

All territorial health boards, six health and social care partnerships, six national NHS boards, three national social care organisations, and ten programmes and networks are delivering tools through the RDS and the Quris platform.

Current developments for Quris and RDS include the integration of decision support into electronic health record systems and the use of AI to speed up guideline development, management and measurement of impact.

To find out more:  https://www.tactuum.com/articles/nhs-scotland-adopts-quris-nationally/

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