Business & Economy

XpoNorth’s preview


A group of five designers from the Highlands and Islands are visiting Iceland over the next four days as part of a project that brings together a diverse group of Scottish and Icelandic designers. Through a series of exhibitions and activities, they will investigate one another’s locations, environment, influences, skills, experience, materials and techniques.

The delegation is being organised by Emergents, the craft, fashion and textiles wing of Highlands and Islands Enterprise’s (HIE’s) innovative creative industries network, XpoNorth. In turn, a group of craft, fashion and textile entrepreneurs from Iceland will visit Inverness this summer when they join a showcase of work and panel talks at this year’s XpoNorth on 7 and 8 June.

XpoNorth is funded by HIE and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). As well as being Scotland’s leading creative industries festival, it also supports businesses in the creative sector throughout the region, all year round. xponorth.co.uk

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