A panel of experts spanning AI, digital technology and the public sector have been unveiled as judges for the first Futurescot AI Challenge.

Industry, government and academic expertise will help guide the inaugural Futurescot AI Challenge, in association with Storm ID.

The challenge was launched to encourage public sector organisations to explore potential use cases for AI within their organisations.

Central government, local councils, government agencies and NHS bodies are all encouraged to explore how the emerging tech can transform their organisations and enhance the lives of citizens.

Joining the expert panel of judges are:

  • Professor Shannon Vallor. Professor Vallor is the Baillie Gifford Chair in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence in the University of Edinburgh’s Department of Philosophy. She is Director of the Centre for Technomoral Futures in the Edinburgh Futures Institute, and co-Director of the UKRI BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides) programme. Professor Vallor’s research explores the ethical challenges and opportunities posed by new uses of data and AI, and how these technologies reshape human moral and intellectual character. She is a former AI Ethicist at Google, and advises numerous academic, government and industry bodies on the ethical design and use of AI. She is the author of Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting (Oxford University Press, 2016), and The AI Mirror (Oxford University Press, 2024).
  • Paul McGinness. Founder of Storm ID and Lenus Health, Paul has over 20 years’ experience in driving digital transformation across a range of industry sectors. Paul was an early proponent of using machine learning to develop predictive analytics resulting in a spin out of the Lenus business from Storm in 2020 to bring a highly innovative AI-based solution to the health sector to support the diagnosis and management of people with long term health conditions.
  • John Adams. John is former Deputy Director for Digital and Data Services in the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office. John is passionate about driving organisational value from data. He played a leading role in international open data initiatives and was an early advocate and promoter of data science and AI in the public sector.
  • Steven Grier. Steven is Director of Devolved Government for Microsoft UK. Steven is a seasoned expert in the application of digital and data technology in the public sector and is actively encouraging and developing the adoption of AI across government in Scotland & Wales.

Paul McGinness said: “I am delighted to formally announce our judging panel for the Futurescot AI Challenge, in association with Storm ID.

“We have assembled a highly skilled panel of experts with vast experience of technology across industry, government, and academia. We are very grateful for their time and commitment to the Challenge.

“Our expert judges will not only oversee the judging process but will help frame the discussion as we all confront the challenges and opportunities of using AI as a force for good.”

He added: “I am confident that AI – in common with many other technologies that are a routine part of our lives – will not only find many use cases for improving the performance of our cherished public services in Scotland, but also improve outcomes for those who rely on them.

“I look forward to working with the judges on this inaugural challenge and working with our public sector partners towards developing proof of concepts which will hopefully pave the way for future adoption.”

The deadline for the Challenge, launched in June, is today. For further information visit here.