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Fintech Images

Here are a selection of images from the inaugural ‘Fintech across the UK’ conference  was held in person on Thursday 14th October 2021 at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. We have published our photographs by session and hope you find the images. Please use these images royalty free for informal and media purposes, referencing: Colin Watt 2021 Fintech across the UK. If you are going to use any images for commercial purposes or corporate documents please mail Paul Watt directly. 

Session One
Setting the conditions for growth in UK fintech featured:
Stephen Ingledew, Executive Chair, FinTech Scotland 
John Glen, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, UK Government
Maha El Dimachki, Financial Conduct Authority
Yvonne Dunn, Partner Pinsent Masons.

Session Two

Fintech in Scotland, supercharging the cluster featured:

Ivan McKee, Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise

Nicola Anderson, Chief Executive, FinTech Scotland

Kevin Collins, CEO, The Global Open Finance Centre of Excellence (GOFCoE)

Tim Bedford, Associate Principal, Management Science, Strathclyde University

Kevin Collins, (GOFCoE)

Pinar Ozcan, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.

Session Three

National Connectivity, spurring innovation and collaboration featured:

Janine Hirt, CEO, Innovate Finance

Julian Wells, FinTech North

Eamon Tuhami, Board Member – Fintech Wales

Andrew Jenkins, FinTech Northern Ireland

Hilary Smyth-Allen, SuperTech West Midlands

Joe Roche, Engagement Manager, FinTech North.

Session Four

Scaling UK Fintech, securing investment and international opportunities featured:

Phil Vidler FinTech Alliance

Peter Cunane, Innovate Finance

Hugh de Lusignan, UK, Government Department of International Trade

Yves Messy, Head Tutor, Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme, Esme Learning