Health & Care Transformation 2024

The leading public sector conference for digital health and care leaders in Scotland

Date: Tuesday 16 April 2024
Venue: University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow
Conference Timings: 08:30 – 16:30

Ticket Prices

Government Organisations: Free of charge

Non-Government Organisations: £99

Commercial Organisations: £299

The NHS is on a road to recovery. The health service is under strain and technology and innovation – if harnessed in the right way – can alleviate some of the pressures on the system. Health & Social Care Transformation 2024 is the annual conference bringing together the ‘triple helix’ of government, industry and academia to unlock the potential of technology and innovation to deliver better patient outcomes and move from an era of reactive to proactive care. Getting data to flow between hospitals, GP services, social care, pharmacists and allied health professionals is vital to that cause. There are also moves to foster a vibrant startup culture within the NHS and social care – removing bureaucratic hurdles and securing faster adoption of ground-breaking innovations. The conference will provide a platform for health and social care leaders working to effect positive change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Global thought leadership on transforming health and social care systems at a strategic level
  • Putting data and digital at the heart of responsive, user-centred design approaches to citizen healthcare
  • Joining up data systems and making data ‘work’ at the point of use, improving frontline services and the experience of health and social care
  • Identifying system blockages and working with health and social care leaders to overcome organisational and cultural barriers
  • Understanding how to use AI to assist clinicians’ decision-making, automate clinical processes and give time back to care
  • Show and tell: using inspiring case studies to inform best practice guidance for delivering transformative health and social care
  • Embedding a startup culture within your organisation to enable frontline staff to contribute to the  innovation ecosystem

Health & Care Transformation 2024 is fully accredited by The CPD Group, the largest accreditation body in the UK. If you attend you will qualify for 8 CPD credits. For more information click here.

2023 Sponsors

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2024 Speakers

Scottish Health Correspondent
The Times

Regius Professor of Medicine at the University of Glasgow and Chief Scientist (Health)
The Scottish Government

Director of Health and Social Care Finance, Digital and Governance
The Scottish Government

Chief Executive
NHS National Services Scotland


Director of People Policy

Deputy Chief Executive
Scottish Care

Chief Executive Officer
Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre

Chief Executive Officer
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science

Policy Lead for Data & Intelligence, Digital Health and Care Division
The Scottish Government

eHealth Regional Shared Services Programme Manager – West of Scotland, eHealth Directorate – Strategy and Programmes
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Service Support Manager, Cancer Services
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Head of Innovation for Care and Well Being
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Clinical eHealth Lead
NES Technology Service

National Lead Remote Health Pathways / Connect Me
Digital Health & Care Directorate, The Scottish Government

Digital Education and Adoption Lead
Digital Health & Care Directorate, Scottish Government

Clinical Director Innovation
University of Glasgow

GP and Clinical Research Fellow, Centre for Cardiovascular Science
The University of Edinburgh

Deputy Director
Digital Health and Care, The Scottish Government

Head of Health Intelligence & Learning Health Systems, Public Health
NHS Grampian

Consultant Anaesthetist & CEO
NHS & Infix Support

Commercial Director

AI Strategy Lead
NHS Forth Valley

Director of Strategic Solutions for Scotland

Information Consultant
Public Health Scotland

Chair of the Life Sciences and Government Affairs Group
ABPI Scotland

Physician Exec & Cardiologist
InterSystems Corporation & NHS

Business Development Director
Sopra Steria

Sr Clinical Workflow Specialist & UK NHS Clinical Safety Officer

Chief Clinical Information Officer
Nuance, a Microsoft Company

Principal Business Consultant (Healthcare)

Account Director
Orion Health

Swiftqueue Specialist

Ethical Hacker
Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland

2024 Agenda

16 April 2024 | Session 2 - Parallel Masterclasses

11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Health IT return on investment (ROI), analysing and reporting the benefits of digital transformation

Explore how to analyse and report on the benefits of implementing digital identity technologies. Learn quantitative and qualitative methodologies, cost-benefit analysis, and effective communication strategies. Gain insights from Imprivata clinical experts and proven best practices from Imprivata customer examples on how access management solutions have not only saved clinicians time but also improved adoption of other technology or EPR implementations

Daniel Johnston MRes, RN
Sr Clinical Workflow Specialist & UK NHS Clinical Safety Officer, Imprivata
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

The AI Revolution in Healthcare: How Conversational AI Can Empower Healthcare Providers

Attend a masterclass with Microsoft in partnership with Voice Technologies on conversational AI in healthcare to explore how it eases clinician burnout and documentation load. Learn about Dragon Medical One and DAX Copilot, AI tools that enhance workflow and speed up processes. Gain insights from providers who’ve seen real benefits. See how AI can uplift care quality and ease documentation tasks

Dr. Simon Wallace
Chief Clinical Information Officer, Nuance, a Microsoft Company
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Securing the Future: Cyber Resilience in Health and Social Care

Join Ethical Hacker Tristan Verrier from the Cyber and Fraud Centre for a masterclass on boosting cyber security in health and social care. Learn how targeted cyber exercises can unveil vulnerabilities in your organisation's response plan. Empower your team with the knowledge and tools needed to increase your cyber resilience and protect sensitive data against ever-evolving threats

Tristan Verrier
Ethical Hacker, Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland
11:50 AM – 12:00 PM


12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Empowering Health and Social Care Through Near-Time Operational Data

Hosting this session will be Dr James Graveston, Principal Consultant at Zühlke. James has a unique background as a dual-qualified doctor and engineer, he is driven by a passion for improving healthcare outcomes through the development of real-world digital innovations. He will be guiding you through how you can transform the health and social care industry by focusing on operational data as well as clinical data while showcasing how this can be done at pace

Dr James Graveston
Principal Business Consultant (Healthcare), Zühlke
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Transforming the Digital Front Door

With innovative solutions transforming the way healthcare organisations and clinicians engage with patients, coupled with patient behavioral change, in our masterclass we will be demonstrating the benefits of Swiftqueue, our healthcare scheduling platform. With a reduction in DNAs and improved patient engagement we are enabling healthcare providers to deliver a variety of patient workflows, patient self-service appointments, self check-in kiosks and real-time statistics

Andy Clegg
Swiftqueue Specialist, Dedalus
12:30 PM – 1:25 PM

Lunch & Networking

16 April 2024 | Session 3 - Health & Care Leadership Streams on Data & AI; and Innovative Strategies in Addressing Data Challenges; and Technology Enabled Care

1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Data & AI

Artificial intelligence and automation in Scottish healthcare: Adopting AI for predicting disease markers and supporting better long-term outcomes for patients

Marian McNeil (Chair)
Chief Executive Officer, Precision Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre

James Blackwood
AI Strategy Lead, NHS Forth Valley

Jackie Caldwell
Information Consultant, Public Health Scotland

Fiona Hamill
Chair of the Life Sciences and Government Affairs Group, ABPI Scotland

Prof George Crooks OBE
CEO, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Innovative strategies in addressing data challenges

Discover how unified data is modernising Glasgow's cancer patient management for better patient outcomes. Explore wider data challenges and the opportunity for regional and national collaboration

Helen Puttick (Chair)
Scottish Health Correspondent, The Times

Donna Smith
Director of Strategic Solutions for Scotland, Insource

Charlotte Hilliard
Service Support Manager, Cancer Services, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Dennis Betts
eHealth Regional Shared Services Programme Manager – West of Scotland, eHealth Directorate – Strategy and Programmes, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Nadine Carey-Whitehead
Commercial Director, Insource
1:25 PM – 2:45 PM

Technology Enabled Care

Remote patient monitoring, online appointments, telecare and innovative uses of technology in virtual health and care

Morag Hearty
National Lead Remote Health Pathways / Connect Me, Digital Health & Care Directorate, The Scottish Government

Marc Beswick
Digital Education and Adoption Lead, Digital Health & Care Directorate, Scottish Government

Ed Parker
Business Development Director, Sopra Steria
2:45 PM – 3:05 PM

Networking & Refreshments

16 April 2024 | Session 4 - Leadership Streams on Integrated Care Systems; and Making the Most of Health & Care Data

3:05 PM – 4:25 PM

Integrated Care Systems

Using flexible and unified data systems to drive better health and care integration - supporting clinical efficiency and improving patient care

Helen Puttick (Chair)
Scottish Health Correspondent, The Times

Dr Sam Patel
Clinical eHealth Lead, NES Technology Service

Dr Corri Black
Director, Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science

Dr. John Payne
Physician Exec at InterSystems Corporation & Cardiologist at NHS

Dr Matthew Freer
Consultant Anaesthetist at NHS & CEO of Infix Support
3:05 PM – 4:25 PM

Making the Most of Health & Care Data

Unlocking the value of data in health and social care systems – supporting the sustainable delivery of care in Scotland’s NHS and care sector

Peter Gallacher
GP and Clinical Research Fellow, Centre for Cardiovascular Science, The University of Edinburgh

Jillian Evans
Head of Health Intelligence & Learning Health Systems, Public Health, NHS Grampian

Mark Mulholland
Account Director, Orion Health
4:25 PM

Conference Close

16 April 2024 | Session 1 - Transforming Healthcare

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Registration & Networking

9:00 AM – 9:05 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks

9:05 AM – 9:15 AM

Government Keynote: NHS Recovery and Digitalisation

Richard McCallum
Director of Health and Social Care Finance, Digital and Governance, The Scottish Government
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM

Making best use of data in the design and delivery of health and social care services

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM

Transform, Change… Repeat

We are all continually being asked to transform our services. Hear Mary talk about her ideas for successful transformation through partnership working.

Mary Morgan
Chief Executive, NHS National Services Scotland
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

Fireside chat: Scaling up innovation in Scotland’s health service

Sheila Flavell CBE
President, techUK
10:15 AM – 10:50 AM

Expert Panel: The road ahead for Scottish health and care

Using technology to empower citizens to take their health and wellbeing into their own hands

Prof George Crooks OBE
CEO, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Karen Hedge
Deputy Chief Executive, Scottish Care
10:50 AM – 11:20 AM

Networking & Refreshments

2024 Sponsors

Sponsor profile

Bringing data to life.

Our vision is a world where the right information moves people forward. Our mission is to put the right information in the right hands at the right time so that people can make the best possible decisions.

We are a global provider of communication and collaboration solutions for the acute care, long-term care and enterprise sectors. Our solutions are based on intelligent integrations with software and hardware that are open source and compatible with third party solutions. Every single second, our systems generate large amounts of data, which we then turn into useful and actionable information. This helps us to bring data to life for people in the toughest operational environments, ensuring smooth, complete, and efficient workflows.

Ascom is headquartered in Baar (Switzerland), has operating businesses in 19 countries and employs around 1,400 people worldwide. Ascom registered shares (ASCN) are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich.

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The ABPI exists to make the UK the best place in the world to research, develop and use new medicines and vaccines. We represent companies of all sizes who invest in discovering the medicines of the future. 

Our members supply cutting edge treatments that improve and save the lives of millions of people. We work in partnership with Government and the NHS so patients can get new  treatments faster and the NHS can plan how much it spends on medicines. 

Every day, we partner with organisations in the life sciences community and beyond to  transform lives across the UK. 

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BT is one of the world’s leading communication services companies, with a significant local presence in Scotland. This includes a £1.5bn GVA impact across Scotland, supporting over 12,000 jobs and providing the digital infrastructure to support organisations and people across Scotland, including key critical services. The solutions BT provide are integral to modern life and digital transformation. BT’s purpose is as simple as it is ambitious: We connect for good.

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Cambric Systems is a leading provider of healthcare software solutions with a track record of innovation and excellence. Founded in 1996, Cambric has delivered robust and scalable solutions to the NHS and other public healthcare providers. Its flagship product, the Morse platform, is utilised by over 50% of Scotland’s health boards, supporting efficient patient record management, task workflows, and interoperability across acute and community care. Cambric is dedicated to fostering customer collaboration through regular updates and enhancements, ensuring the system evolves with healthcare needs. With a focus on secure, scalable, and user-friendly systems, Cambric empowers clinicians and administrators to deliver high-quality, patient-centred care. 

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Dedalus is a global healthcare organisation that supports the NHS, HSE, and private providers in the UK and Ireland in delivering innovative care models.

Its solutions include Europe’s leading Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system, a digital platform enabling interoperability based on standards based (FHIR), Laboratory Information Management Systems, and enterprise scheduling.  Its key specialist systems include a pharmacy stock management and control solution, purpose built for the cloud, that improves operational efficiency in prescription processing.

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An innovation network helping organisations tackle challenges for industry and society by doing data right to support Edinburgh in its ambition to become the data capital of Europe.  

The Data-Driven Innovation initiative has helped establish six hubs at the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University – creating a regional power-house for collaboration with industry partners. The hubs house expertise and facilities to help 10 industrial sectors become more innovative through data. 

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Evondos is the leading provider of automated medicine dispensing services in the Nordics and the Netherlands. Evondos’ unique service provides significant quality and impact of saved nursing time benefits for professional home care organisations. The service enables people in need of medical treatment to get the right medicine at the right time and in the right dosage automatically, which improves patient safety, medical adherence and supports independent life at home. The service is based on advanced technology and consists of an automatic medicine dispensing robot installed in private homes, with a cloud-based control system and service elements. Evondos service has proven 99% adherence.  

Sponsor profile

Research and science is at the heart of ieso; we learn from our data to develop digital capabilities that focus on patient recovery. We deliver text-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for adults with depression and anxiety disorders. We have treated over 130,000 adults in the NHS and delivered over 700,000 therapy hours with excellent patient outcomes and experience. 

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Imprivata is the digital identity company for life- and mission-critical industries, redefining how organizations solve complex workflow, security, and compliance challenges with solutions that protect critical data and applications without workflow disruption. 

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Infix is driving a transformative shift in the provision of healthcare, getting people the treatment they need, when they need it.

Offering cloud-based, data-driven and automated tools, Infix is revolutionising waiting list management, theatre scheduling and pre-operative patient assessment, all seamlessly integrated with hospitals’ electronic patient record systems.

With cutting-edge technology, clinical expertise and a user-centred-design approach, Infix is helping deliver more efficient practices and getting more people treated, without the need for additional healthcare workforce and facilities.

Sponsor profile

At Insource we specialise in data management solutions to the NHS. We harness the power of disparate data to drive better patient care, streamline operational efficiencies, and extract essential insights from across the hospital, health board or complete ICS.

With over 20 years’ experience we’ve dealt with acute, community, mental health, cancer, GPs, ambulance and all specialist areas.  Our revolutionary cancer tracking solution, live in NHS Highland, is bringing unified data on a patient’s full care journey, direct to the frontline clinical teams for swift care planning, next steps and smooth treatment regimens.

Our ground-breaking technology brings all the detailed pathway data, previously locked into various IT systems, into one place – despite the legacy infrastructure. This accurate single version of the truth can then be shared by clinicians and managers for system-wide care coordination, elective recovery and better patient care.

More than 60 trusts, health boards, ICSs and independent providers rely on our powerful data management solutions to enable informed trust-wide management, ICS insight and control, and partner solutions innovation.

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InterSystems is supporting healthcare transformation around the world making the vision of connected health and care a reality.  We enable every care provider in every care setting secure access to a shared electronic health and care record for each patient, giving them all available information to help them make quicker and safer decisions. 

Creating an environment that enables informed patient engagement and facilitates easier access to services. Where you’re not only capturing and sharing information, but you’re able to immediately understand and act on that information through embedded analytics and decision support. Over 110 NHS Trusts and Boards are using InterSystems Technology to connect and share information between disparate clinical systems, we know connected care is improved care.

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Inhealthcare is the UK’s number one choice for remote patient monitoring, virtual wards and hospital @ home technology.

Our technology is tried and tested and has been proven to free up hospital beds, cut costs and reduce A&E admissions.

We support more than 50 NHS trusts in England, the five Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland and we have a national agreement with National Services Scotland to deliver services across the Scottish health boards. 

Our services are also loved by patients. In a recent survey, 99% of patients rated our virtual ward as either good or very good.

Sponsor profile

Orion Health is the UK’s leading supplier of shared care records, with 20+ years of experience supporting the NHS. Our Unified Healthcare Platform is trusted by hundreds of thousands of clinicians across 15 countries, helping to improve clinical workflows, enhance decision-making and deliver better care. Our platform is made up of Amadeus Digital Care Record, Orchestral Health Intelligence Platform, and Virtuoso Digital Front Door—a comprehensive suite that supports the entire health and care ecosystem. From data integration and care coordination to patient engagement and population health intelligence, we empower professionals to deliver better outcomes and experiences. Orion Health has a long and successful history in Scotland, working with regional and special health boards to support around 75% of the population. 

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Tactuum are digital healthcare specialists headquartered in Scotland with clients across the UK, US, Canada and Africa.  

Our expertise is in the co-design and enablement of digital services to support clinicians, patients and healthcare organisations.  For healthcare professionals our solutions focus on streamlining clinical processes, pathways and decision making.  For patients, we provide digital tools to support shared decision making, patient engagement and self-care/management.   

We are proud to work closely with NHS 24, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS), NHS Education for Scotland (NES), Health Improvement Scotland (HIS), Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI), the Alliance and all regional health boards.  Our projects include national and local level engagements from simple healthcare apps through to secure, robust and saleable integrations with clinical systems.  

Whether it’s ideation, prototyping, design, delivery or support, we understand healthcare in Scotland and are here to help. 

Sponsor profile

The Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland is a more-than-profit, employee-first organisation that exists to ensure Scottish organisations are as resilient as they can be against cyber and fraud crime. In the eventuality of a cyber or fraud attack,  the centre and its partners can support organisations through it and help them resume operations.

Sponsor profile

Sopra Steria Next is the consulting arm of Sopra Steria, a European leader in technology and transformation with over 45,000 employees in 25 countries. 

We believe that success comes when you put people first. We help organisations to meet their goals by focussing obsessively on the needs of their customers: to perform better by empowering employees; and to win trust by being responsible corporate citizens.

We’re driven by what’s next. Technology offers opportunities to address our most important challenges. We enable large, complex organisations to innovate with next generation technology and data-driven insight.

For our clients, we blend business and technology expertise to deliver end-to-end transformation. Our consulting insight accelerates the pace of implementation. That’s because our advice is grounded in Sopra Steria’s experience of what it takes to run cutting edge services at scale. 

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Voice Technologies is an award-winning, employee-owned provider of speech recognition, digital dictation and information workflow systems.

Our mission is to help organisations in the public and private sectors to spend less time and money on creating and distributing high volumes of documents and correspondence, and more time and resources on their core services such as patient and client care.

As a Nuance Elite Partner, Voice Technologies empowers organisations to embrace AI powered speech recognition and digital dictation Dragon apps in ways that integrate with their existing systems, to generate communications such as reports, letters, notes and emails, quickly and securely.

We develop specialist apps in collaboration with the NHS that transform efficiency to free up clinical and admin resources, including the award-winning WinVoice document workflow management apps, and FormStream, simple-to-use, web-based forms for paperless documentation.

Find out more at

Sponsor profile

Through multi-channel engagement Yakara provides interactive customer centred communication designed with accessibility and usability.  Using text of voice messaging, patients are reminded of appointments in a timely fashion and able to confirm, cancel or reschedule their appointments in a few easy steps.  

Taking a patient centred approach and automating appointment handling allows us to reduce Do Not Attend appointments, while reducing letter costs and cutting carbon.  This self-service approach reduces calls to busy staff, freeing their time for other tasks 

Following success within 15 NHS England Health boards we hope to enter the Scottish Health Care Market offering a product that streamlines back office operations and while improving patient experience.  

Yakara has been focused on improving mobile customer communications since 1995.   Handling data securely is our no 1 priority and all data handling follows our PCI level 1 standards.  

Sponsor profile

Zühlke is a global transformation partner, with engineering and innovation in our DNA. We’re trusted to help clients envision and build their businesses for the future – to run smarter today while adapting for tomorrow’s markets, customers, and communities.

Our multidisciplinary teams specialise in tech strategy and business innovation, digital solutions and applications, and device and systems engineering. We excel in complex, regulated spaces including health and finance, connecting strategy, tech implementation, and operational services to help clients become more effective, resilient businesses.

Founded in Switzerland in 1968, Zühlke is owned by its partners and located across Europe and Asia. Our venture capital arm, Zühlke Ventures, provides start-up financing in HealthTech.