Built Environment

Managing building information in large building and infrastructure projects

Think A/Shutterstock.com

Major public investment building and infrastructure projects generate, process and store considerable quantities of real-time information prior to, during and post construction. The planning, design, and construction and operational activities incorporate people and processes generating vast volumes of project information.

Management of the construction project requires appropriate systems which facilitate bi-directional data input, information processing, dissemination and functional access. Accessing and processing this information is key for construction projects where time and cost-effectiveness is of the essence.

IFS works in collaboration with clients to define building information requirements and deliver approved design, construction and operational information throughout the supply chain to all key stakeholders involved in the process.

“With over 20 years’ experience assisting blue-chip clients across all sectors in the built environments, our application and services realise significant productivity gains and empower building owners with their information for the asset lifecycle,” explained chief executive Kieran Beggan.

The challenge in managing the entire asset lifecycle effectively lies in the fact that costs can be isolated and addressed in a fragmented way through the various stages, he added. During site acquisition and planning, the emphasis on technology solutions is confined within the boundaries of the approved budget and prescribed time frame, while ensuring that the facility conforms to building regulations and technical specifications.

“At every key stage during lifecycle of a project it is imperative to have an experienced support system in place,” he said. “IFS has the right mix of skillsets during each phase to assist with information definition, management and approvals.

“Our experienced professional team support your project teams for the asset lifecycle, providing secure real-time access to design and construction information as the project progresses and to approved building information at project completion for handover to the owner and the operations team.”

IFS helps clients to manage the complexity of projects by providing an integrated solution for managing project information and associated review and approvals cycles, all in our secure cloud-based environment.

Savings in the millions are achievable when proven technologies and processes are adopted at the outset and managed for the asset lifecycle – joint chief executive George Harold.

Looking back over the last two decades, Beggan said that he had seen rapid changes in all aspects of working practices and the public sector has not been immune to these. “The immense impact of technology, the rise of the service culture, and the search for greater efficiency in the use of all resources has challenged professionals to deliver new and more responsive technology solutions to meet the needs of all stakeholders,” he said.

“Governments are under pressure to improve public sector performance and at the same time contain expenditure growth.

“To effect tangible change, IFS developed a collaborative, innovative and sustainable platform with value added services that support the project delivery eco-systems and assist clients in meeting their responsibilities under the latest Safety Health & Welfare at Work construction regulations in Ireland and the Construction Design Management regulations in the UK.

“In addition, IFS applications and services are consistent with BSI PAS 1192, the leading standard and best practice guidelines for managing building information for the asst lifecycle.”

As a multi-award-winning company, IFS has pioneered the digital transformation across all industry sectors and the company has vast experience providing innovative software and services across an array of publicly funded projects, from roads to rail, university campuses, government offices, as well as major health and correctional facilities.

“We have built-up extensive experience in managing public assets information through the planning, design, construction and operational lifecycle,” added explains joint chief executive George Harold. “We have worked on a long-term basis with publicly funded organisations in Ireland and UK, including University College Dublin, Irish Rail, Irish Prison Services, University of Limerick, NUI Galway, Trinity College Dublin, NHS trusts, University of Strathclyde and London University.”

As the economy continues to grow and further public investments are announced in the upcoming budget, IFS anticipate opportunities in education, housing, the health service and transport and infrastructure to be at the forefront of these investments.

As evidenced with the set-up of a recent public utility company, a critical factor in the creation of public confidence in these investments will include the transparency around how these strategic projects are procured and managed.

“Our experience and analysis on public investment projects of this nature clearly demonstrates that savings in the millions are achievable when proven technologies and processes are adopted at the outset and managed for the asset lifecycle,” said Harold.

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