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Digital Economy Briefing 

Digital Economy Briefing

Levelling up the digital and data economy to support high-quality jobs, investment and growth 

25 May 2022 I 08:30-11:45am I In-person
Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh

Brought to you by Futurescot, this one-off briefing event will chart the progress of Scotland’s national ambition to become a leading tech nation – by ‘levelling up’ the digital and data economy and creating the next generation of high-quality jobs and internet services. 

Fuelled by a desire to be the data capital of Europe, the event will reflect on the recent updates to the national digital strategy, A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world, to ‘utilise the potential of Scotland’s digital ecosystem to stimulate and scale innovation in ways that meet public service and environmental challenges at home and abroad’. 

In a focused 2hr discussion, hosted in Edinburgh and featuring digital policymakers and innovation leaders, we take a deep dive into this vision as Scotland seeks to create the conditions for technology businesses to grow, thrive, create jobs and attract investment, and build the digital skills in the workforce to enable these businesses to recruit on the international stage. 

And we look at how collaboration is key to that aim: whether between public, private and third sectors or national innovation centres working closely with academia to unlock the potential of cutting-edge research data – driving the next breakthroughs in industry, from artificial intelligence to quantum computing, 5G, space and the internet of things (IoT). 


Director of Economic Development
The Scottish Government

Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise
The Scottish Government

Chief Executive

The Scotland 5G Centre

Principal & Vice Chancellor
University of Edinburgh

Director of Government and Public Affairs

Agenda subject to change

25 May 2022 | Digital Economy Briefing 

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Arrival & Networking

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM

Chair Opening Remarks

Kim McAllister
9:10 AM – 9:20 AM

Ministerial Keynote:

Ivan McKee MSP
The Scottish Government
9:20 AM – 9:40 AM

Supporting and nurturing the tech ecosystem in Scotland:

How digital and data can drive opportunity and ‘scale up’ Scottish businesses on the global stage

Colin Cook
The Scottish Government
9:40 AM – 10:00 AM

Establishing Scotland as a Leading Digital and Data Economy:

The role of higher education in supporting a high-tech knowledge-led economy

Peter Mathieson
University of Edinburgh
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM

Questions from the audience

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM

Leveraging data to power the new industries of the future:

How the public sector can support Scotland's businesses, industries, regions, communities and public services to be more productive and innovative

Paul Coffey
The Scotland 5G Centre
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM

Working together to support innovation in Scotland’s key sectors:

Leveraging new technologies and opening up data to unlock economic opportunity and drive inclusive growth

Sara Thiam

Jacqueline Redmond

Paul Coffey
The Scotland 5G Centre

Ashley Lumsden
11:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Closing Remarks & Networking

Agenda subject to change

Events page image: Shutterstock/alice-photo