- Nine in ten workers are set to need some form of reskilling by 2030.
- One in six workers will go through a radical job change and need retraining.
- 80% of the workforce of 2030 are already in work today.
Upskilling and retraining for future jobs a ‘national challenge’ that needs a collaborative response

Institutions are planning for a phased return with a blended model of remote and limited on-campus learning © Halfpoint / Shutterstock
Business, government and the education sector need to work more closely together in order to meet Scotland’s future skills needs, according to one of the country’s leading business organisations.
There needs to be greater partnership working to address the upskilling and retraining needs of the workforce as part of a new wave of automation and artificial intelligence that will transform traditional sectors, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) in Scotland has said.
The CBI – Confedertation of British Industry – made the call as it joined forces this week with Skills Development Scotland and Forth Valley College for Scottish Apprenticeship Week.
They showcased the benefits of apprenticeships to employers, highlighting the value of a system in Scotland that aligns with the needs of employers and the economy.
Apprenticeships formed a central part of a broader morning programme of discussion amongst delegates looking at Scotland’s future upskilling and retraining needs where there was a call for greater partnership between business, government and the education sector in meeting Scotland’s future skills needs.
With technology playing an increasingly important role in shaping the way we live and work, decisions government and businesses make now about skills policy will directly impact how people can take advantage of the opportunities it creates.
These decisions will also be crucial to ensuring no one is left behind as artificial intelligence and automation continue to transform the workplace.
Despite its increasing importance, the proportion of employees undertaking job-related training has fallen sharply in recent years, with Scotland now ranking third out of the four UK nations. With 80 percent of the workforce in 2030 having already left compulsory education, reversing this trend and creating a culture of lifelong learning will be crucial to ensuring that everyone is equipped with the skills they need to benefit from the changing world of work.
The time to implement a step-change is now, as evidenced by some key statistics: