The very best digital care starts from a deep-rooted interest in what communities need – the requirements of their people, and the professionals and organisations who provide care for them. At Servelec we’re committed to joining up communities by connecting health providers, social services, education and charities – an approach with interoperable digital solutions at its heart.
In these challenging times, mental and community health services have never been more vital to the people who need to access them, and digital has the ability to transform their delivery. Providing carers with the right information at the right time empowers them to make better decisions with and for people – so they receive the best possible care.
Rio, our Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system for secondary care, can be tailored to an organisation’s specific needs and supports the vision of every patient having one fully integrated record. Operating across mental health, child health and community care settings, and interoperating easily with other systems, Rio offers health organisations a powerful tool to view all patient information in one place.
“We have one patient record; no matter if we are treating a podiatry patient or a mental health patient, we have a single view of a patient’s needs.”
Ben Rigg, Programme Lead – Digitisation, Health Informatics, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.
We’re fully aligned with the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy to improve services and outcomes through person-centred care. Selected to provide Rio as the platform which underpins the Scottish Child Public Health and Wellbeing System, we’re already working to help children in Scotland get the best start and live healthier lives.
work with a number of local authorities, including Dundee, East Lothian, Midlothian, Scottish Borders and Dumfries & Galloway, where we provide our interoperable social care case management solution Mosaic, we understand the big picture when it comes to health and social care integration.
In Dundee City Council, adopting Mosaic has been a vehicle for change, delivering a shift in the way services are brought to Dundee’s citizens – joining records together for Digital Care. “Our social workers can now focus on improving outcomes, as opposed to spending time searching for the correct information, and making sure it is recorded correctly – they can now see all the information they need, at a glance,” explains Jackie Hall, IT Section Leader, IT Division, Dundee City Council.
It’s part of Servelec’s culture to put people first, and that’s why we’re proud to support the councils we work with through our social value work – running digital skills workshops for young people in Dundee for example, so we can pass on our knowledge and expertise and make a bigger societal contribution.
It’s about ensuring that services are provided in a seamless and co-ordinated way but more than that, it’s securing better outcomes for people in Scotland. We’re committed to playing our part in Scotland’s digital care journey, providing joined-up health and care solutions that place people at the heart of what we do.
We call it Digital Care, and we’re by your side.