Data specialists, technicians and clinicians are being called upon to contribute their expertise to a project aimed at making Scotland a world leader in cancer care.

The Cancer Innovation Challenge aims to find new ways of recording and integrating data to develop leading-edge care solutions.

A share of £425,000 will be awarded to successful applicants that propose novel and innovative solutions to improve diagnosis, treatment and overall care for patients.

There is one week left for applicants to register and be a part of cutting edge cancer care in Scotland.

What the Cancer Innovation Challenge is looking for:

Innovative data science solutions that will achieve at least one of the following broad objectives:

• Enable analysis of unstructured data (e.g. clinical notes, medical imaging)

• Enable data driven clinical decisions

• Enable data driven service improvement in the NHS

• Enable data driven recruitment for clinical trials

• Enable the adoption of precision medical approaches

How to apply: Register interest by midnight Friday 27 October here. A full application will then be submitted by midnight 10 November.

The Cancer Innovation Challenge is a project funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to encourage Innovation Centres in Scotland to work in partnership to help Scotland become a world leading carer for people with cancer.

The project brings together three Innovation Centres, led by The Data Lab in collaboration with the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI) and Stratified Medicine Scotland (SMS). The Innovation Centres are funded by the SFC to support transformational collaboration between universities and businesses. The centres aim to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship across Scotland’s key economic sectors to create jobs and grow the economy.

The Challenge has two major work streams:

  • An open innovation funding call to identify innovative cancer data science solutions;
  • An open innovation funding call to develop new tools for cancer patient reported outcomes and experience measures.

    Organisations supporting the delivery of the challenge include:
  • NHS National Services Scotland;
  • The Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics at the University of Edinburgh;
  • The Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme (IHDP) at the Farr Institute Scotland;
  • The University of Edinburgh;
  • The Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit at the University of Stirling.


