National testing and case data for Covid-19 was impacted this morning after “IT issues” forced Public Health Scotland monitoring systems offline.

The unknown data glitch affected the digital and security wing of NHS National Services Scotland, which acts as a centralised hub for collecting coronavirus cases, tests and deaths.

The system was back online at 11:30 following the issue, which has not been revealed, but missed an internal deadline for sending the latest Covid-19 stats out to the Scottish Government.

No data was lost during the incident and it was not necessary to restore from backup.

A spokesperson for NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) said: “NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) has resolved an IT issue that caused a brief interruption in the flow of data earlier today.

“The issue was swiftly identified and normal service was restored this morning. There was no impact on our ability to support Scotland’s vaccination programme and other Covid-19 activities.

“We regret that the short delay prevented our partners at Public Health Scotland and Scottish Government from being able to publish data as scheduled.”