The Communications, Sensing and Imaging (CSI) group at the University of Glasgow covers a wide range of both basic and applied research. We focus on the first principles of engineering science with a goal to realise efficient and optimized wireless systems and components for communications, sensing and imaging applications. 

Our research has been funded by major research councils and local & international funding bodies, including the Scottish Government, EU-Horizon 2020, EPSRC, CDE/DSTL, UKRI, Innovate UK, IAA, GCRF, QNRF and UAEF. Our highlight project on Scotland 5G Centre brings together academia and industry to test, develop and deploy their 5G applications and solutions on our campus-wide 5G laboratory. 

Communication systems research covers the majority of the physical and MAC layers of wireless communications and networking with a particular focus on beyond-fifth-generation (B5G) communication technologies. Over the coming years, 5G development and subsequent deployment will support super-fast, ultra-reliable, ubiquitous communications across large numbers and types of devices, connecting people and machines in a way often referred to as the Internet of Things and the Internet of Skills.