Workforces of the future will require advanced digital and data skills to support economies that will become ever more dependent on technologies. That generational shift has been thrown into sharp relief throughout the Covid-19 pandemic as individuals, companies and entire industries have moved online.
Such change also demands a culture shift, where public services move away from moribund and outmoded practices to a world of automation, backed by strong leadership which reflects the agile ways in which the digital world continually evolves.
Join our Future of Digital Skills & Leadership engagement events to get the latest news, insight and practical guidance to bring digital service delivery and skills into your organisation.
Key themes:
- Agile public sector leadership
- Opportunities for the existing workforce to develop digital skills
- Collaboration: academic, public and private sectors working together to widen the talent pipeline
- Increase participation and skills opportunities to empower citizens of Scotland to participate in an innovative society
- How to harness the benefits of digital technology across our economy and deliver a step change in productivity
- Create a life-long learning mind-set, and offer work-based learning opportunities in all its forms, to help Scotland’s economy and its people