Part of a drive to train 250,000 by year end

A digital training centre is opening in Glasgow, where Google will offer the general public expert advice and skills training. The ‘digital garage’ at the Mitchell library follows on from centres in Birmingham, Leeds and Newcastle.

They are primarily aimed at small businesses, graduates and people wanting to change their careers but offers skills support and classes for anyone who wants to sign up. It will also host computer training for charities and local students and teachers and is part of a drive to train 250,000 people
by the end of the year.

Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Keith Brown, said that the Scottish Government was commit- ted to working with partners such as Google to develop digital talent.

“It’s fantastic that Google is making this investment in Scotland,” he said. “The training and support delivered via Google’s digital garage is first class. I hope as many of our businesses and citizens as possible, at any age and stage, take advantage of this great opportunity to increase their digital skills.”